02 | Memories

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interrogation room, TVA (Time variance of authority)


"Hold still, it won't hurt. Just trust me," Sylvie told me and stood up from her chair to walk towards me. I just let it happen, even if I was still not sure if it was a good idea.

"That's the problem, I don't." I answered skeptically, meanwhile focused on her face.

She seemed a bit annoyed of my trust issues, according to the way she sighed.
But how couldn't I have trust issues when the woman opposite me was a dangerous variant and the goddess of mischief?

Nevertheless, she stopped in front of my chair what I was sitting on and gave me a small sign with her fingers, what symbolized that I was supposed to get up now.

I followed her command. Even if I hesitated the first two seconds, this feeling disappeared right after I stood up and our eyes met.
It was weird, but suddenly I forgot my fear.

"Okay," Sylvie started now much more patient, in the same moment she moved her arms upwards to my head.
"Close your eyes. I need access to your memories, so in the best case, don't even try to fight against it. Just let it happen."

Her voice was quite calming and instead of feeling fear, something told me I could do what she wanted me to without hesitation.
I couldn't tell if it was part of her enchantment or if I actually believed that.

"I'll try." I answered still a bit skeptically.

I did what she wanted me to, I closed my eyes slowly.
I surely didn't forget the consequences, maybe she was just stabbing me in the back, instead of actually showing me my 'real life'. But at this point, I couldn't do anything but trust her.

I felt her cold hands on my head, each one of them on my left and on my right. With an inhale, I tried to relax my body.

Right after, like an explosion, I saw pictures in front of my eyes: as clear as those I would see if I'd just open my eyes.

I saw myself. I was standing on a roof of a skyscraper in New York City. It was night and the streets of Neu York lightened in the brightest and most colorful colors. I wasn't there alone, a tall man with blonde hair was next to me. He had a shield in his hands, a star placed in the middle of it. Captain America, also known as Steve Rogers. We were talking, I couldn't understand what the topic was, but we seemed pretty close.

The scene changed.

A woman with dark brown hair kissed the top of my head. I was younger than in the first scene, probably around ten. She was sitting on the edge of the bed - I guessed she was my mother. She was beautiful and sympathetic, I could notice a smile on her lips as she looked down to me.

The scene changed again.

Now, my current location was a big room, where a lot of people including me were spending their evening in. In one corner of it, there was a bar with a few barkeepers. People were standing around it and talked, drank alcohol and some of them even played some typical party games. I saw myself talking to a few gentlemen and ladies opposite me, we all drank champagne together.
The atmosphere seemed comfortable, that was at least what I thought.

The scene turned black.

It took a few seconds, until I noticed that I could open my eyes again now.
Even if I barely closed my eyes longer than a minute, my eyes were slightly overwhelmed because of the suddenly changing light conditions.

I waited until my eyes got used to it, before I started to ask my first question. I blinked more often than usual, hoping it would help.

"Was that actually real?" I questioned then, as soon as I saw Sylvie's face good enough, to detect her facial expressions.

"Look Y/N, all I can do is to let you see your life, I can't add or delete memories." She answered and slowly took her hands away from my head, crossing them in front of her chest like she usually did.

"This can't be real, right?" I replied in disbelief, since I couldn't actually believe the TVA would lie about my real existence. What would be their motive?

It was shocking to think everything I believed in suddenly turned into a lie. So I just tried to proof her wrong.

She shook her head a little.
"You're so naive, Y/N. You believe everything people tell you, of course they lied to you! Did you actually think you would have been created by the time keepers?"

Her patience automatically turned into an uncontrollable annoyance, but I could see how she tried her best to stay calm.

"To be honest, I had no other choice than believing tha-" I began, but immediately got cut off of the blonde opposite me.

"Pathetic, so fucking pathetic." She turned around right after and avoided another eye contact with me.

I could clearly see the disappointment in her eyes before she turned around and even if it kinda hurt to see her like that, lying to her wasn't an option for me either.

"Stop calling me pathetic just because I had no idea. Look at me Sylvie. I know I annoy you, I know you hate the TVA. But at least don't let your frustration out on me, clear?"
I said determined, pulling her on one shoulder back to me, to get her attention.

She seemed still a bit annoyed, but at least a small sign of understanding was to notice in her blue, cold eyes.

"You're right, I'm sorry." She answered, even if I wasn't sure if she meant it sarcastically or not.
"Why did I even think someone like you would believe me?" Sylvie added then, mumbling it quietly but I could still understand her words.

"Someone like me?" I asked irritated, taking my hand away from her shoulder, I still had it on.

She gave me a desperate look.
"Never mind." the blonde woman turned around again, but this time I didn't stop her.

It seemed like she was trying to walk to the door, what would lead her out of the interrogation room.

Luckily, I locked the door. The TVA has warned me, she was dangerous. This woman was a Loki, what meant she tried everything to deceive me, to make me trust her and at the end, all she did was stabbing me in the back.
And I was the one she called pathetic?

"Don't even waste a try, the door's locked. I wont let you out here, until you tell me the actual truth about you, Sylvie."


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