Chapter 6: down

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Humans most of the time have no idea why they act in some specific ways . Most of them  act unconsciously without thinking . Some of them just follow their hearts and the others follow their instincts . In this party , Garrett acted supidly , maybe for some reason or for no reason at all . But being by her side when she needed him is just so cute of him . And it was a déja vu .  Even though his betrayel years ago can be forgetten , she liked his react . And the most terrifying thing is the reason of this reaction . Why the fuck did he do that ? Like it can't be for no reason. Right ? She was really confused . She didn't understand why he came and distracted his friend from her . All night long , she was thinking about that party . And the conclusion was that Garrett was still fucking in love with her but then she thought : " No way in this damn universe . it's pretty impossible . I bet that he loves his classy suit more that me . We can't even compare . I will not forget his expression in the elevator . He fucking hates me . But fuck him . Tomorrow is Sunday . I'm going to hung out with my friends and have some fun after all these tiring days ". Tomorrow morning , she woke up early , took her car even though she hates Bostin's traffic and went out to meet her friends . Bianca and Colleen , they were her friends from the university . Tate was busy with the rehearsals . She was going to play in Carnegie Hall , the most popular concert venue in USA . it is in New York city . Carnegie Hall was the dream of Tate so Emily was happy for her . Bianca is married so she can't see her a lot . She is  kind and trustful . Litterlly , she tells her every damn thing that happens in her life .  Colleen is Kind too and a little bit rude but Emily liked her just the way she is  . Colleen and Bianca work in the same company as computer enginneers . Emily was waiting for them in a restaurant that had just been opened  until they came finally . The moment she saw them , she stood up releasing a sight and hugged them " Where have you been guys ? . I was so bored waiting for you " Bianca smiled and said " so sorry . I picked Colleen on my way . But we are here . Come let's sit " 

Emily said " So guys . What's up ? . Biaca are you okay ? . I have been so afraid to ask after your miscarriage " Bianca smiled releasing a very long sigh , so Emily hold her hand " I'm okay , honey . Ryan-her husband- is really helping me . And thank god , i got back to work , it helped me not to overthink and keeps my mind off so many things . Let's not talk about me today . What's up with your new job ? Is there any handsome man ? " Emily laughed " You won't believe me . So guys , you know Garrett . I have always talked about him " Colleen's eyes widened , surprised " Yes , the one with the blue eyes . Don't tell that he works there " She smiled " Yes . He is the CEO . But Guys , it's not just that . Yesterday , we went to a bar to celebrate and a guy wanted to dance to me so he came and distracted him from . Like for fuck's sake . What the heck is wrong with him ?" The mean while , the waiter came , asked them for their meals , and while Bianca was hesitated between a caesar salad and a chinese chicken salad , the waiter said " Sorry , i heard you guys talking by accident . Really , i wasn't willing to . But maybe i could help you . May i sit ? " They surprised but they let him sit . He seemed like a really nice guy .  So he said " Okay , what is the problem ?" So Elmily explained to him everything . He seemed thinking for a while then he said " Actually , no men do that for a girl if he doesn't really have feelingd for her . I'm fucking sure . I don't know the whole story but  you two just  need to smash your stupid dignity , i talk to each other " Emily interrupted him " How you could be so sure that i have feelings for him ? " He smiled " I see it in your eyes " But his boss was looking at him so he stood up , wrote their order and went away . Colleen looked at Emily then laughed " Hey , stop that guys . What dod you think ? " 

Colleen said " Honestly ? " she nodded " I think that he is fucking right . You love him . Right ? " 

She looked confused then fixed her gaze in the table and looked at them again " I don't know . But after what he did to me . I can't love him . I think the waiter doesn't know he is talking about . It's bullshit guys . Don't mind me . He is nothing but my boss "  But unfortunatly , Colleen and Bianca had a call from their boss telling them that they need them for an Emergency because they work in the same place . So Emily stayed alone in the restaurant waiting for her order . And what a surprise ! Ryle entered the restaurant but he didn't see her , and when she was going to greet him . But Garrett and his father who was arm in arm with Ryle's mother enterred the restaurant just after Ryle .Garrett seemed so annoyed and bored . He seemed like a little kid forced to attend a family lunch . Ryle's mother changed a lot from when she met her ten years ago but Emily recognized her  . When she saw them , she changed her mind and needed to leave the restaurant because if she stayed , it would be so awkward . At that moment , she wanted that a very large hole opens in the ground so she can throw herself there and dissapear . She thought:" Ok Emily . It's not a big deal . No one is gonna see you , you just need to get out of this fucking restaurant but what the fuck did I just see ? RYLE'S MOTHER GOT MARRIED WITH GARRETT'S FATHER . Now I understand why they hate each other that much  . It was sooo complicated than I thought " and  suddenly a voice called her "Emily" , she had no choice just to turn around and answer him so she said smiling " Oh Ryle" She sttod up and went to their table . Hi Mrs . Elle- Ryle's mother - . How are you ? It has been a long time .Best wishes ! Ryle told me you got married . I'm so happy for you

she said with a big smile " Thank you my dear . I'm fine . I hope you're feeling good too. "

Ryle was looking at her the whole time " Come and join us " then he looked at his mother " . Mum , Emily is working with me now as a software enginneer " And without letting her answer his request ,he ordered the waiter to bring her chair

She said shyly" Thank you but I don't want to disturb you "

Garrett's dad answered smiling  " No .You are not . Any one of my employees is one of the family " 

Emily didn't see Garrett's dad before , just in the photos . But he had the same blue eyes of Garrett . And he seemed so kind .

When the lunch was ready  , they  begin eating . Mr Bradley asked :-How long did you know my son Ryle ?

A flinch drew in Ryle's face and she answered : " We knew each other from elementary school , we were friends , I moved a lot so we couldn't stay in touch but I was delighted when I knew that my old friend is going to work with me . We are making a good team . I hope that we will not let you down

Apparently , the company was Garrett's father's . Garrett didn't say a word during the lunch  . She knew that he  knows about her past with Ryle  . The lunch was fun . They talked a lot and remembered a lot of memories . Mrs. Elle was kind . Emily knew that Mr. Bradley was a cruel man but it seemstaht he changed .It has been years since she heard about him . So probably , she disn't have to tell Ryle about that . His mum seemed so happy . There is no way he was a cruel . After the lunch , she got in her car and decided to go home and have some sleep . But after multiple minutes , Garrett was following her and made her stop the car . They got out , she said so irritated : " What in the world are you doing ? . I could have crashed the car . Are you out of my mind ? If you want me dead . There are some easier ways than an accident

 He scowled "Stop your bullshit , and answer my question .Have you been in a relationship with Ryle ? . Do you like him ? . Are you dating now ? 

She rolled her eyes , looked at him in the eyes and she almost  fell , drowning in the blue of his eyes " IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS , Garrett . For fuck's sake . Stop that . If you forgot I will make you remember . You are the one who broke up with me without even telling me not him. At least , he has been honest with me . And what's your problem now?. Please go and fuck yourself , bastard

He was so close to her , her heart was beating so fast and he got closer , This time if he didn't hold her waist , she would fell . He seemed really concern " Are you okay "

" I don't need your help . I'm just tired ." He kept looking at her . So she screamed because if he will keep staring at her with those blue eyes , he could faint in his arms " Can you let me go ? please " 

She was so tired of all of that . But she really wanted to stay in those arms and feel the warmth of those big palms . But he did what she asked him to do , he let her go . She  just got in the car and drove . 

Really , before you argue with someone , ask yourself , is that person even mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective . Because if not , there is absolutely no point . She just decided to not waste a second thinking about him , just fuck it .

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