Chapter 12 : the new one

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Life is short and it sucks a lot of the times so do whatever that will make you happy . Emily has done the same thing . She really likes Ryle so she would do anything to make him forgive her . First of all , she went home to change and when she saw her car in front of her apartment's building , she remembered Ryle who promised her to bring it and he did . She just felt guiltier at that moment . She reached her apartment's floor , changed into some comfy clothes and black sneakers then called Ryle's assistant Poppy . After giving her Ryle's address , she said " Did you hear about Dean ? . He robbed the company . He is going to be interrogated in the court and they said probably he is going to be in jail at least for five years

" OH , I've heard . He completely deserve it "

Then , she went to Ryle's apartment , she knocked on the door several times but still no response . When she decided to go back to the company , maybe he was there . The door opened . It was Ryle . Literally , he was a mess and the smell of beer drifts from him, she could see the stifled fear in his expression , he said " What are you doing here ? What do you want ?

"Can I come in ? "

He opened the door further to let her in . His house was mess . She almost can't find a place to sit in . The living room was like a trash can . beer bottles , snacks , glass ..... all over the floor , the table and the couchs . She thought : " He really was so angry last night because it's surprising for a calm person like Ryle to do this . I think i really hurt him " . She said gently :

" I just came here to thank you for the car and I would appreciate it if you send me the bill ."

He rolled his eyes " You're welcome . That's it . " he dust off his hands . 

" Ryle , stop that " 

" Stop what ? "

" Treating me like a bullshit "

" Sorry , i might be a nice and calm person . But what you did is untorealable . Can you go out of my apartment , please ? " 

 she looked at him for a moment , surprised by his attitude " Okay ,  I know I was a bitch . What I did is a disaster . I have hurt your feelings . We were so close . You have told me your problems without hesitating a second , you opened up to me , you supported me at my first day at work , and you know that you helped in the past and I will not forget that in my entire life and we spent a really fan moment together  and look what I did . I didn't trust you . I was a real jerk . But I'm sorry Ryle . I'm really sorry , Please . We know each other a long time ago now . Almost sixteen years . Do want  to lose our friendship for a stupid mistake ?

He looked so confused and tired  , he sit on a chair next to him then said quietly " I know but what you did is just unbelievable , since Elementary school , I was in love with you , and I still fucking love you " her mouth fell open in shock then he continued " For fuck's sake Emily , don't pretend that you didn't realize it . You knew from the day that i looked at you in the meeting's room and that's what's making it very difficult to forgive . That i love you so much . Because you will never expect such a betrayal from your loved ones even though I know you didn't mean it , I believe in that from the bottom of my heart " she started crying then she interrupted him by saying with so many tears dropping on her cheeks " I'm so sorry Ryle , I really didn't mean it

" Can you stop interrupting me ? and stop saying sorry because I know that you're . And There is no point of repeating the same word several times "

" Sorry " she said unconsciously , they both smiled

" I would give up everything if you ask me too , Emily . I always think of us , laying side by side , having fun , playing cards just like we did sixteen years ago When we were in Elementary school . I have never forget you Emily . And when I saw you in the meeting's room , the first day we met after a lot of years , I felt fire in my veins . Believe me or not , there is no word that could describe the way that i feel toward you . I have forgiven you since yesterday night but I couldn't say it to you because I would seem like an idiot . Let's just forget the past , and try again . I don't want to lose you but I can't predict the future because certain things are out of my control so I will just try not to . Emily , would you be my girl friend ?

She was astonished , she really didn't know what to say . Actually , everything just came so fast . After several seconds , she said " I really don't know what to say , so confused believe me . Like , i thought you were mad at me . I didn't expect that . And we had been friends "

" I know . Actually , you don't have to answer me now . Just when you feel comfortable , call me . I'm always available "

She approached to him , sit on the floor and looked at him straight in the eyes " Ryle , i don't want to hurt you or hurt myself but there are so many obstacles that prevent us from being together "

 He frowened " Like what ? "

She answered still looking at him in the eyes " First of all , we had been friends . And there is this mysterious girl that broke your heart . And i'm afraid of getting in a relationship right now . And we have tried when we was younger . It didn't work " 

" The mysterious girl is you " She frowened " Yes , don't be surprised . I couldn't forget about you . I wish you didn't move , maybe we could be happy now . It worked between us but you moved so i just broke up with you because i thought  we couldn't  continue the long distance relationship . I couldn't forget those lonely night after you were gone . Emily , you gave me purpose everyday . I'm more that grateful for the time we spent . Maybe you won't believe me but you're my everything .Emily , i like you . And i'll be fucked up if you cant be right beside me . Wit ,  Is there someone in your life ? "

she shook her head 

" There is no obstacle . But if  you don't like me , that's okay . We will still friends "

 " No , i said that i'm afraid to get in a relationship now . Ryle , since i saw you in the company , i considered you as a friend . " 

He sulked " So , i'm friendzoned " 

" No , you're not "

"  Who is he ? "

" Who ? " 

" You know . Since you're single , so either you like someone who doesn't like you back or who broke your heart "

" No , you misundrestood the situation . I like you . I really do but i need to think about it " 

" Okay , have your time . But who is he ?  

She squezed his hands  "Thank you . You will not go back to the company ? "

"  Not until Garrett comes and apologizes to me . And can you stop changing the subject and tell who is this bastard " 

She touched her hair "  Ok , I need to go because this is getting really awkward " she said laughing 

" Stop . Who is he ? "

" what are you gonna do to him ? "

" So , i'm right . What did he do ? "

" Ryle , it's neither the right time or place . We have plenty of time to talk about that . And i'm late for work "

" Do i know him ? . I know if you're lying . You know that " 

She fixed her gaze on the floor so he can't see her tears " Yes you do " 

He swallowed his throat and bared his teeth" You don't have to hide your tears . Just tell me who got you crying like that . Give me a name " 

She panicked " I really need to go . See you later "

She opened the door " Emily , who ever he is . He doesn't deserve you " 

She smiled and got out .

Emily did not expect this , she was so surprised . Sometimes , our expectations sell us short and we start to compare the expected with the unexpected with astonishment . Then we wonder why we cling to our expectations . It's just because the expected is what keeps us steady , standing still but the unexpected is what changes our life .

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