Chapter 13 : The elementary school

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Back to the past ( sixteen years ago )

- " hello , guys , I'm so happy to meet you , i know that you're not " They gigled "  I hope that you have spent a nice summer and had fun . I know that you don't want to go back to school and you're annoyed and tired so i will try to make this session more interesting by discussing our summer read . So who have read ' les miserables ' ? " ,  the teacher asked

Two persons raised their hands . The students were looking at each other , smirking . Actually , Mr . Owen was a literature teacher  , he was funny and kind but most of the students hate him because of his hard tests . So they always try to ruin his session . Then Mr . Owen  continued opening his eyes widely " I'm so disappointed in you guys . Two of eighteen read a popular book like " les miserables " . What were you doing all summer ? "

" probably partying " Elisabeth said .

All the class laughed 

Elisabeth is the most popular girl in the school . She is mean , greedy and arrogant but a beautiful girl with blue eyes and blond hair .

" Ok , so you guys ( pointing to Emily and the other guy who raised their hands ) ,  What did you like about the book ?

Emily was sitting in the first table so she begun talking first , she said :

" So , basically ,  I liked the kindness of ' Jean Valjean ' . First of all , he was so maltreated when he was a child . All of us know that a child need affection and love from his parents but ' Jean Valjean ' didn't get this kind of love because his parents died , he worked a very difficult job for a kid in his age when some kids were playing and having fun . But the struggle didn't end up here . When his sister's husband died , he had a family consisted of seven children to help . Just imagine a child working to feed seven persons . It's a real struggle .And someday , he was obliged to steal some bread to feed his family so he was caught and arrested for five years and because he tried to escape , he stayed in jail for an entire nineteen years . Just think of it , nineteen years for stealing bread ." She stayed silent for a second to catch her breath then continued " I just liked his determination despite all the struggles and difficulties he got through and after he got out of jail , he met a nice man who advised him to be a good person so he did . I liked " this nice man " too because even though ' Jean Valjean ' stole his candleabrum which was so expensive in the 19th century , he helped him . I wonder if this kind of men still exist ? And after he settled in a small town , he began helping people and he has done the most adorable thing in the world , he helped ' Fantine ' to find her daughter ......

A voice came from behind her " Mr . Owen . I don't agree with her . Can I speak , please ?, the guy interrupted her

She got so angry because of his rudeness and turned her head to see the guy . But when she saw him , her heart began to beat very fast and she felt that the whole class could hear his sound . She tilted her head in astonishment then thought : I can't believe my eyes . Who is this handsome ? And why the hell didn't see him before ? This guy is the love of my life . I didn't believe in love from first sight before but now I do . GOD . Am I daydreaming ?

The voice of the teacher brought her to the reality . and he said " Yes of course you can speak but are you new ? , I do not remember you "

" Oh yes , my name is Ryle Wells "

She thought " ohh . Ok , Emily Wells . Sounds good . It's definitely fate "

He continued " So , I don't agree with her because ' Jean Valjeant ' wasn't a good person even though he tried to . He was selfish , arrogant , fugitive from justice because after he got out of jail , he stole some guy's money and you said yourself that he stole the candleabrum of the only person who tried to be nice to him and helped him . I know that he got a little bit unlucky but that doesn't mean that he was a good person . And he didn't bring Fantine's daughter , he just gave her false hope so she died without seeing her daughter  . That what makes him a selfish jerk ." He fixed his gaze on Emily " I think that you're just thinking emotionally " 

She liked that he didn't agree with her . It was sexy . But when she was going to answer him and defend her opinion , the teacher interrupted by saying " Thank you guys for the different opinions but I agree with both of you and I appreciate that you have just encouraged your classmates to read this beautiful plot "

And the bell rang . Then she decided to talk to him . She stood in front of him , lifted her hand to shake his and said " Hi , I'm Emily . Nice to meet you "

He shook her hand "  Hey , Ryle . Nice to meet you too " he answered with a smile then he continued " Sorry for earlier , I didn't mean to be rude . "

" No that's ok . Actually , I like it . If you want , we can meet at my house after school and talk more about the novel . And I think that you like reading classics , I really want to hear your opinion about some of them and maybe we can exchange some books " she said shyly , so afraid of his response

" Oh yeah . I like the idea "

This is how the story of Ryle and Emily begun

( I hope that I encouraged you to read " Les miserables" because it's a really beautiful novel . Actually it's a French historical novel by Victor Hugo and you can find it translated into different languages )

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