(S5E7)! A New HERO 💗

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"Captain Man, SwellView's in danger!" Jasper cried.

"You're the only one who can save us!" added Schwoz

"Time's running out, you gotta act now!" Jasper said to Caitlynn.

Yes, the dog.

Charlotte rolled her eyes at the pairs antics as she fervently strapped an abundance of weapons on to her chest and in her pockets. Ray hadn't answered her call to warn him about Rick Twitler and was starting to get worried. Neither Henry or Ray had returned from the mission yet and she knew something was wrong.

They had never been out on a mission this long before and it was getting late. If something did happen to them, she knew she'd never be able to live with herself if she didn't at least try to save them.

"Guys! I'm gonna try and rescue Ray and Henry. Now, do you wanna come with me or do you wanna stay here and play Super-Pooch with Captain Caitylnn?!" Charlotte cried out from annoyance.

Why weren't they as worried as she was?

"Ergh, tough question" Jasper said

"Ray's very mean to me so.." Schwoz shrugged.

"Seriously?!" Charlotte exclaimed. Jasper waved his arms in dismissal and the alarm for the tubes sounded throughout the ManCave. Charlotte quickly glanced over to see Ray and Henry slide down them and relished in the fact that they were okay.

"Oh, thank god" she sighed in relief as she threw all of her weapons on to the ground. She brought her gaze back over to them to see Henry looking at her with a small smile.

Henry, you're okay!" Charlotte said as she ran up to him and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. He responded immediately by wrapping his arms around her waist, tightening his grip after a few seconds.

"So am I" Ray said offended. Charlotte slightly untangled herself from their embrace to turn and look at Ray.

"Well maybe if you answered any of my calls you'd be getting a hug too" she scoffed. Ray mumbled something under his breath before following Jasper and Scwhoz over to the couch. She turned back to Henry to see his eyes slightly glossed over and struggling to stay looking at her.

"Hey, Hen...what's wrong?" Char asked concerned.

"Twittler got away..." he responded, looking back and forth between her eyes and the floor. Charlotte raised her eyebrows signaling him to continue, because she knew there was more to it than what he was saying.

"...and he also took my powers" Henry finished, now looking down at the ground.

What?!" everyone besides Ray shouted.

"Yeah, check it out" Ray said, reaching over to the little side table to pick up a random rock he found. He threw it at Henry's face and he groaned in pain upon impact.

"Ow!" he moaned.

"See?" Ray stated. Henry sighed and started to walk over the couch before he felt Charlotte lightly grab his hand to keep him from moving.

"Hey, we're gonna get your powers back. I promise" Charlotte said reassuringly. She squeezed his hand a little tighter and and look up softly into his dark brown eyes.

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