Part 2

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Naruto was walking down the hallway in his usual outfit when Kiba spotted him. The redhead sighed in annoyance before he felt something smack his ass. Oh my god, Naruto breathed and turned around to see Sasuke looking amused. You're an ass, you know that? He asked and Sasuke hummed.

The raven looked at the approaching brunette tauntingly and kissed the redhead. Kiba stopped when Naruto kissed back but pulled away quickly.

Stop smacking my ass, he grumbled and began to walk away. Naruto! Kiba called. Naruto was about to turn the way his name was called but Sasuke kissed him again and this time, met eyes with the brunette. Kiba clenched his fists as the raven started to use tongue.

Sasuke separated from Naruto and the redhead shook his head. He smirked as the redhead seemed to be in a daze.

Don't you have to get to class? He asked and Naruto nodded. Yeah.. class that's right, he whispered and started to walk off.

Kiba walked up and went to punch the raven but Sasuke caught his fist. Naruto doesn't like to be in control... that's why he chose me over you, he whispered into Kibas ear then walked away. I was in control! He yelled and Sasuke smirked.

The raven walked into the classroom to see Naruto doing a headstand on Hinatas desk with people cheering and putting bets up. He raised an eyebrow and walked up. What the hells happening? He whispered. Sakura dared him to do a headstand on my desk, Hinata said giggling.

The redhead chuckled as his hoodie was completely covering his face and showing his black tank top and muscles.

What happens when he falls? Sasuke asked, smirking. Well people placed bets so whoever wins the closest time they and Naruto-kun get the money, she explained and Sasuke nodded. With no interference, Shikamaru added. What interference? Sasuke asked, slipping his hand under Narutos shirt.

The redhead blushed, feeling the much larger and colder hand on his back. 'Sasuke' he thought, slowly losing his energy.

The redhead fell and Sasuke caught him.

You, the redhead growled. I win! Ino yelled, smiling happily. So you gonna treat me? Sasuke asked, smirking. With what? You're the one who made me fall, Naruto grumbled. I did no such thing, he said, still holding Naruto bridal style. You put your hand in my shirt, Naruto whispered and Sasuke smirked. I could've smacked your ass if that would've been better, he suggested and Naruto blushed. No, he growled and got out of Sasukes hold.

-Lunch time-

Sasuke nipped Narutos ear, crouching as everyone left. Leave me alone, Naruto whined and Sasuke licked his ear. You're such a pain in the ass. You wanna make out or not? He growled and Naruto looked over at him. That's cute you're asking, the redhead said.

Sasuke took that as a yes and lifted Naruto up by his thighs. He sat back down on the chair with Naruto straddling him.

Smooth, Naruto taunted and Sasuke connected their lips. The redhead gripped his hair and shoulder, feeling the emotions in the kiss.

Soon drool was on the corner of Narutos mouth with him somewhat on the desktop but still in Sasukes lap.

The raven opened his eyes to see the dog looking in and glaring at him. He smirked and went down Narutos jawline and neck.

The redhead looked over to the back door to see Kiba but didn't pay much attention as Sasukes hands squeezed his ass lightly and the pressure of his kisses got so much harder. Naruto covered his mouth, hoping no noises would come out, knowing dark hickies were being left on his neck but they could be easily covered by his shirt and hoodie.

Tears brimmed his eyes from the pleasure he couldn't voice and Sasuke smirked. 'He's completely my slave right now,' the raven thought and pinched Narutos nipple. The redhead whined quietly and pressed his hand to his mouth harder. 'Such a sensitive body too' Sasuke thought seeing the brunette still there like he was getting pointers to win the redhead back.

Sasuke clicked his tongue bothered by the fact that he was getting challenged by a teen who obviously lost the moment he kissed the redhead.

Naruto, he called and the redhead hummed. Inuzukas watching, he said wanting to see what the redheads reaction would be. So? You gonna stop because a dogs' watching? He asked and Sasuke smirked. What a bad boy.. you'll be known as my new toy, he said, pushing Naruto completely against him. All I'm doing is letting you kiss me.. not fuck me. A toy is someone who falls for the cock dumbass, Naruto said and Sasuke slammed their lips together.

The bell soon rang and Sai walked in to see Naruto covering dark and light hickies while Sasuke sat at their desk watching with a smirk.

You should go to a room to do that, he said sitting in front of them. I was sleeping and he attacked me, Naruto said and Sasuke rolled his eyes. 'That's not what your body said' he thought as his smirk grew wider. Would you like to show me? Sai asked, looking Naruto in the eye. Aren't you dating Neji? He asked and Sai nodded. He's not that good in bed though, he said simply and Naruto chuckled.

The redhead sat down and talked to Sai as Sakura was harassing Sasuke.

-End of school-

Kiba pinned Naruto to the bathroom wall as the redhead did actually have to go and was supposed to meet Sasuke outside his car.

He forced the small redhead into a make out session and Naruto pushed him away.

What? Did the Uchiha turn you into his little whore? Kiba growled. Naruto smirked and kissed Kiba more passionately.

I'm doing all this so you can learn what I like, he whispered and walked out. Kiba smirked, knowing the redhead had truly fallen for him.

'Idiot' Naruto thought, going down the steps and walking to the raven who smirked.

Have fun? Sasuke asked, kissing Narutos neck lightly. I never knew dogs were so stupid.. Did you? He asked and Sasuke smirked.

He smacked Narutos ass and the redhead slid a finger down his lips. The raven chuckled and licked Narutos finger before pinning him to his car and kissing him harshly.

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