Caught with some one else

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Killuas POV
Today is Valentines and I'm gonna get gon roses and chocolates today is also the day I want to confess to gon for real and tell her my true feelings and intentions with being with her i I was down with my phot shoot for the fifth Vogue cover and it was time for me to head so I stoped by a love shop with items for your lover I was so excited to go to gon and give her this but . . That all changed when I stepped back to see if my eyes had played tricks on me and they didn't . . .

Earlier that day . . . .

Gon was so cute and all having sighs and a smile Killua being oblivious thought she was thinking of him "who are you thinking about" he said hugging gon gon flinched and unwrapped his arms from her "this boy at school he's so charming and cool" she said smiling at her self Killua got jealous and leaned his head on her cho ulcer breathing on her neck "why him why not me" he said hugging her waist gon got out of the hug "well he's charming his cool he's nice BUT in the nice I mean is not teasing me when I fall or drop something like you do" gon said glaring at Killua to which Killua frowned "so it's funny so what" Killua said kissing her neck but gon pushed him off she got her bag "I'm gonna ahng out with him for a bit BYE BAE" she said waving and skipping away out the house Killua frowned and scuffed he pouted "but I'm the one who loves you" killua said sadly

Those words stuck in killuas head his heart was skipping his lungs were filled with pain his heart was breaking into peace's he can clearly hear the cracks his breath stuttering from the sight he's now seeing he tear came down his eyes he didn't have those blue beautiful eyes anymore he looked emotionless he didn't care if he clutched the flowers to tight that they die from air he didn't care if the chocolates were melting in his hands from the heat of madness he didn't care if right now it was starting to peck rain tiny droplets he didn't care if his bangs were covering his eyes he didn't care at all he looked down he couldn't look up to gon her kissing the so called better boy then him he thought gon loved him or at least some spark on her heart telling her to love him she lied to him when she said she would never leave she lied to him when she said she likes him more

Killua cursed to himself under his breath tears now rolling down not stoping what went wrong what did he do to have this so much pain inside him was gon actually not into him Killua smiled and chuckled to himself under his breath "god . . .I hate my self" he said his voice cracking he turned his heels and walked away always looking down tears dripping every second he took a step but few minutes later those tears were now blood why because he clenched his teeth together so hard that he accidentally bit his mouth but didn't care to see if he could stop it now salty droplets called tears were mixed with dreadful color of red he started running as fast as he could tears were spilling like waterfalls breaths were shared like hours he stoped and he stumbled unto someone more like to people he looked up to see a girl and boy holding hands "hey watch where your going" the boy said the girl just hid behind him oh how Killua wishes that's gon and him holding her close his lips trembling "s-sorry I didn't mean to" he said running again off he got to the villa and desperately looked for the keys he finally got them and quickly opened the door he slammed the door shut and slid down with one hand covering his eyes he loudly cried pain was filled in those wet laughs he smiled at himself

For messing up such a beautiful relationship who is he kidding they weren't even dating he slammed the floor with his bare hands his fist turning bloody cheeks turning red and stained with tears his lips trembling from hiding. To much tears in

He had ithe was broken his heart was not there he felt empty so dull so sad so mad but then again so depressed he was there crying his heart out Killua got uP and walked to his room silently not looking up to which it lead to him bumping into a table and shattering glass and cutting himself he didn't even bother but hissed when he opened the cut more when he hit into the edge of the table "well that's just great" killua said laughing it off quickly changing it into a calm sad one and now it wa silent for most the zoldyck family is calm about quick mood changing cause one second they can be sad or mad but in the other it's like they never were and how they are happy and loving for some it's scary and terrifyingly see such how a person can change his feelings way to quick with this Killua didn't even care if he was bleeding he didn't wrap it nor cared it he just went and sat on the bed blankly staring at his phone were he had a picture of gon and him he covered his face with the top of his hand resting his arm on his lap he started to tear up

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