Chapter 3

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After the others had come back, I was still dozing. They knew I had been pulled from line and decided not to disturb me. Hours later, I was awoken by the sound of the rusty fence latch being twisted up and the squeal of the hinges grinding across each other as the gate swung open. I heard several pairs of boot clad foot steps drawing nearer. They are coming to take me to my solitary confinement.

I panic. They are taking me away! I wish James had chosen to kill me instead!

"Clone 0741852. We are here to take you for your solitary confinement for 3 consecutive days, no food or water and upon your return, you will have your meals shortened by half the following week. Do not resist or the risk of increased punishment is almost definite."

After these words were said, I could see the overseers more carefully. They were cloaked in black robes that were tight fitting but loose enough that they still had full extent of their limbs. They had knit masks covering their faces though I could see their eyes staring each of us down looking for any sign of the burn in our backs. I was suddenly nervous when they spotted me. I was anxious and now I was chilled to the bone.

"H-h-here sir." I managed to choke out.

They came over and roughly shackled me on my hands and ankles just like James had only yesterday without this gruffness that was repulsive. The others in mine and the other pens woke just in time to see me being led away. They dared not whisper for in fear of being beaten.

They lead me to this truck. I have never ridden in one before but the overseers ride them around. This one has a cabin in the front with a cage like contraption in the back on the flat bed. There was cold steel pressing onto my bare flesh and as we passed the endless fences full of the other clones,

I wondered how I would survive such conditions when I can barley survive day to day. My thoughts were interrupted when the cage was opened and moonlight basked my pale goose bumped flesh.

Hey guise! Sorry I haven't updated in like...forever. But  yeah. Sorry this was such a short chapter! It was mostly just a filler until the next one or two. So yeah! ;D <3 <(^)

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