Chapter two

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"I have five rules. memorize them because i wont be reapting them."






"Rule number one Don't bother sucking up i already hate you, thats not gonna change." Dr. bailey said while looking at Izzie okay then.

"You have pagers. . the nurses will page you and YOU will answer the page on a RUN not jogging actual running. A persons life can depend on that page. That's rule number two." I look at where Dr. bailey pointed and there was seven pagers all lined up. We all took our pagers and started walking along with our new resident. i should really write all her rules down because knowning me i'll probably forget a rule and get in trouble.

"Your first shift with me starts now and lasts fourty eight hours. You're interns, grunts, nobodies, bottom at the surgical food chain. You run labs, work every second night until you drop, and you don't complain."

She lead us down a hall and into a room with two bunk beds. I'm guessing this is where we sleep? "This is the on-call room. Atendings hog them. The on-call room is used for sleep only not intimace, learn to contain yourselfs. Sleep when you can where you can, this brings me to rule number three. If i'm sleeping, don't wake me unless your patient is actually dying. Rule number three leads me to rule number four the dying patient better not be dead when i get there. Not only have you killed someone you woke me for no good reason. Are we clear?"

We all mumbled "Yes". To be honest i think i just took a shit on myself oh my god. If you thought i was scared before you can't even imagine how i am now. Alex raised his hand "Yes" Bailey snapped.

"You said you had five rules, you only said four."

Just as alex said that her pager started beeping away. "Rule number five when i move - you move!" with that she started running and screaming "Get out of my way" to the people that were standing in the hallway doing absoulty nothing. We all ran with her, we passed the E.R where are we going? the I.C.U is on the other side of the hospitail so i'm just going along with it. She took a sharp turn to the left and started climbling up stairs.

I'm running out of breath

I should really start working out more.

We finally stopped for a second and a door was pulled open to the top of the roof. what.. what are we doing on the top of the hospital roof? I looked over to the others and they look just as confused as i do. My thoughts were inturuppted when i see a heliocopter landing on the roof. The strong wind made by heliocopter was making my hair go all over the place.

I should've tied up my hair

Way to go samantha.

Jake leans over and whispers in my ear "Sam do you think we would finally beable to see the inside of an O.R today?"

"I hope so jake i'm getting desperate." Jake nods and we turn our attention to a blonde young adult getting pulled out of the heilocopter on a stretcher, along with two paramedics.

"What do we got?"

"katie bryce, fifteen years old, female, new onset seizures, intermitient for the past week. I.V lost enroute, started grand mal seizing as we descended" paramedic one says. "All right, get her on her side" Dr. bailey said. We all grabbed ahold of katie and turned her on side gently. "Izzie, 10 milligrams diazepam I.M." Bailey said. Izzie was shaking a bit. . . she's just asking you to dose her up. Right when the diazepam was injected her heart rate slowed down and was at a steady pace. Dr. burke walked in while slipping on his golves "what do we have? A wet fish on dry land?"

"Absoulty Dr. burke." Bailey said

"Dr. bailey lets shotgun her."

what does that mean...?

"That means every test in the books - C.T., CBC, CHEM-7, TOX SCEEN. Cristina you're on labs. George and Meredith, patient work-ups. Samantha, get katie for a C.T. She's your responsibility now." and with that bailey headed towards the door.

My responsibility now. Jesus christ.

You better not mess this up samantha. "Dr. bailey wait. What about me?" Izzie said. "Honey, you get to do rectal exams. Take karev with you."

Ha Ha

Sucks to be you.

As i'm taking katie to C.T. i'm lost. I honestly don't know where i'm going. We've only been here for five days now and that whole time we were practicing in the skills lab. "You're lost" Katie said to me as the elevator opens. I don't know which floor the C.T. room is on.

"I'm not lost. how are you feeling?" I said trying to distract her while I try to remember where I'm going. "How do you think i'm feeling? i'm missing my pageant." She's a pageant girl great.

"I was in the top 10 after the first two rounds and it's all thrown away now. This was my year i could've won."

"Sorry to hear that." I take a left and it's a dead end. This is harder then it seems. Pushing a big hospitial bed with a girl on it that won't stop complaining. Sighing I pull the bed back to go in the other direction. "You're so lost. what are you, like, new or something?"

lord give me some patience

"I am not lost Katie, i'm just confused." maybe i am lost but i'm not admitting that. "Anyway i twisted my ankle in rehearsal. It hurt like a bitch. I do rhythmic gymnastics which is, like, really cool. nobody else does it."

I'm sure nobody else does it. You're the only one.

just nod your head samantha and pretend you are listen to the poor girls sad story about her ankle.

She keep's talking and it's making it a thousand times harder to think about where is this damn C.T. room is.

"I didn't get stuck with someone this clueless" she says.

well you did so just shut your mouth for like twenty seconds so i can think straight.

"You are just as clueless as a puppy"

(A/N it may take a couple of chapters until niall comes in because I have to find a way for him to fit in the story. Anyway enjoy.)

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