Hazel's POV

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Okay, I wasn't fully fine with Nico being gay. It was just because of how I was raised. I was happy that Nico was happy, but that didn't mean that I wasn't a bit uncomfortable. I don't want to say that around Nico or anyone. I had a lot of time to think about it on the way to New Rome. Frank noticed that I was a bit off.

"Are you okay?" He asked leaning in.

"I'm fine Frank" I answered.

"You seems a little different than usual" He said wrapping his hand around mine.

He was so adorable at times. Always being kind and a gentlemen. I'm really scared that someone else will realise this and try take him away from me. I wasn't as pretty as Piper or as smart as Annabeth. I was just Hazel. I don't know what he sees in me. I love him so much, but I don't know if he loves me. As we marched I held Frank's hand and didn't let go. When the sun set, we all took camp. Leila helped me set up a tent and asked could she share the tent with me. I said yes. I feel asleep and at about midnight, someone whispered my name.

"Hazel, Hazel wake up" Frank whispered through the tent.

I crawled out of the tent.

"Hi Frank" I said shaking with the cold.

Frank wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my arm to warm me up.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"I was wondering if you'd like to do some starsgazing?" He asked.

I smiled and nodded. I held up one finger and dived into the tent. I grabbed two blankets and a pillow. I left the tent and smiled at Frank. We found a clearing and layout one of the blankets the ground. We share the pillow and the other blanket. I feel asleep at some point and Frank woke me up. It was about two in the morning.

"We better get back to our tents" Frank whispered in my ear.

I nodded and grabbed the pillow and blankets. Frank walked me back to my tent.

"I love you" I said before I ducked into my tent.

I did and I didn't want to hear his answer. I love him too much.

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