Nico's POV

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It was the day after Zach walked in on Will and I. After that incident, me and Will didn't speak for a while. I had sword practice after breakfast. Percy was teaching the class. He was the most annoying jerk. He made me do the practice against him and he split open my arm. Jason was conveniently located to the right of the practice and demanded that I go see Will in the infirmary. I wasn't complaining about seeing Will. So I left, not looking happy at all. I have a reputation to keep. I opened Will's office. I hate what I saw. Will kissing Zach. It wasn't Zach kissing Will, Will was pushing Zach into the wall and kissing him. I must have made a sound because Will pulled away and slowly turned around. Zach started smirking, pleased with himself. I felt like killing him.

"Nico, I can explain" Will said rushing forward and grabbing my hand.

I've never said it until now, but every time Will's skin touched mine it sent electric currents down my spine. But this time it didn't happen. I pulled my hand away.

"Leave me alone Will" I said storming out of the infirmary.

As soon as I left, I put on a blank face and walked to my cabin. I locked the door and sat in the corner that was the on the other side of the room. There was a knock on the door. I stayed silent.

"It's not Will, I'm a doctor" A female voice called, "My name's Daisy, Percy told me to help you"

I trudged over to the door.

"Is Will there?" I asked.

"No, now would you please let me in?" Daisy replied.

I unlocked the door and cracked it open. Daisy slipped in with a med kit. She pointed to one of the coffin beds, grabbed a chair and pulled it over to it. I sat down and put out my arm that was now covered in blood. She started cleaning my arm with disinfectant wipes and then bandaged it up. As she was leaving, she gave me a lollipop. That made me smile, also made my face hurt.

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