Will's POV

978 39 16

At two o'clock, Nico walked into my office. He was adorable. I really wanted to kiss him. But that's not why I asked him to come here. Nico smiled shyly.

"So..... Why did you ask me here?" Nico asked.

I peaked out the door and then closed it.

"I had an idea, let's prank the Camp" I whispered excitedly.

He started smiling. It wasn't like his shy one a second ago. This one was full of mischief. I liked that.

"We'll prank every cabin, but the Hermes" I said.

"No, prank every cabin even mine" He said, "Confuse everyone, make them wonder who did it"

"I love it when you think" I said kissing him on the lips.

Nico grinned. It made him look less depressed and angry. I liked that. I liked that I could see that side. I was one of the few that saw it.

"Let's start planning" He said grabbing a pen and paper.

"So I thought for the Poseidon cabin we could hide a few dead fish and put empty blue food packs everywhere. Then for the Demeter cabin, put fertilizer in all the bags and shoes and put a couple of dead flowers on their faces" I explained.

Nico helped by deciding what to do to the Hermes cabin (and a little extra for Zach, I'm not complaining), the Athena cabin (spiders, lots of spiders), His cabin and the Hectate cabin. We spent about an hour planning what cabin gets what. It was a lot of fun. We decided when we would do it, who would get what and what cabin we would both do. Nico had to go when some Hectate kid had to get rebandaged. I was looking forward to the prank night.

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