Chapter 4

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It's been afew months since the dance... Miles stopped coming to school after the dance... His brother said he was sick... But after a month... We got a different answer... He said that they couldn't even get him out his room anymore... And recently... He went missing all together... There's missing posters for him all over the town... But I doubt they'll find him... Miles is smart... If he doesn't want to be found... He won't be... Even now, when he's lost his mind...

"To Ashley Robinson
Hello, Ashie.
I suppose your not really worried about me, are you? Well... What you did is inexcusable... And for that, I have to punish you. You took everything from me. Now its my turn.
-Miles C Fox" I got this letter in the mail recently... I thought nothing of it... Until I realised something...
"Dear diary, LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR" Every single page of my diary... He broke into my house... Completely unseen...

"Miss, calm down. I need you to calmly explain the situation" The woman at the police station explained.
"Please, Miles is after me! He's insane!"
"Please, calm down and tell me what's going on" She said calmly... After awhile I calmed down and explained the situation... She didn't believe me... But even so, I convinced her to look into it... A neighbour had a camera facing my house, but once we checked it... There was nothing... It was like Miles just appeared... No signs of forced entry... Nothing... Not so much as a fingerprint... Not even his hand righting in the diary matched... The police lectured me about wasting police recourses before they closed the case...

When I got home that night... I found a single white rook on my pillow... And a note in what looked like my own hand writing...
"Hello Ashie.
It's my move now, I recommend you defend your queen.
-Miles C Fox"

When I went to school the next week... Kyle was missing...

"Hello, Kyle" A familiar voice called from the dark... I was walking home at night from a night out with my friends...
"Hello? Who's there?" I asked... A figure began to emerge from the dark... His face was illuminated by a street light... He had ginger hair, mostly covered with white... He was wearing dirty, torn clothes...
"Miles? Is that you?" I asked...
"Very observant..." He replied...
"Miles! Everyone's looking for you! We were all really worried!" I said.
"I doubt that"
"What are you talking about? Come on, let's go back! Ashley said she thought you were upset, if its not too awkward we can sit on a bench and talk this out..?" I said.
"I don't think I'll be coming with you" He replied, his voice was cold, and emotionless.
"But I'd appreciate if you come with me."
"What, why?" I asked...
"Because if you don't, I'm gunna make you." He replied...
"Miles, I don't think you can do that, even if you actually wanted to, now stop joking around!" He sighed slightly... Before he took a huge knife from his pocket and pointed at me...
"Your alot stronger than me, but I think we both know I'm faster..." He said... He was right... To everyone's surprise... He won every race on sports day... By a massive amount... Even though I was about ten feet away... I couldnt risk running...
"Now, your gunna come with me quietly, and quickly..." He continued... I knew I could overpower him, but he's fast enough to stab me three times before I can even punch him...
"Ok..." I replied...
"But Miles, for what it's worth... You can drop the knife, and I'll walk you home like nothing even happened, just say the word..." He hesitated at that, I saw his grip on the knife loosen slightly, he looked up for a moment, then back at me, putting the knife in his pocket.
"Kyle, I don't want to hurt you... So please, just walk with me..." He said, that fake smile plastered across the sadness in his eyes. I should have tackled him, but I followed him through the dark.

After a week... There were missing posters for Kyle too... Miles really was serious... And it was now my move...  A month later, he sent another letter...
"Hello Ashie,
If you value your queen, bring your king here.
-Miles C Fox" There was a map attached... And a red circled area... In the woods... I had no choice... I took three knives with me... And confronted him...

It was late... Midnight... And I was walking through a forest on the outskirts of town... If I died, no one would find me here... And Miles knew that... But that's not what he cared about... He loved this place... He said it relaxed him when he was stressed... And he took me on a date here once... Our special, private getaway... Our escape from everything...
"Ashie, been awhile" A familiar, cheery voice called to me... I turned quickly, pulling a knife from my pocket and pointing it at the source of the voice... He looked terrible... I could tell he hadnt slept in atleast three days... His clothes were dirty and torn, and there was blood and a tear on one of his arms, like he'd been stabbed... And the streaks in his hair had gotten worse...
"Miles, you don't have to do this, you can turn yourself in and we can pretend this never happened..." I said, trying to calm myself... He walked towards me slowly... Coming to the point that my knife almost touched his stomach... He leaned in and whispered into my ear...
"Oh Ashie, that's not the right move..." He said calmly... Pulling a phone out of his pocket... But the case wasn't his... I recognised the phone after a minute...
"What did you do to Kyle!" I cried, stabbing my knife forward... He stepped out of the way easily...
"You don't learn, do you? When in check, you have to use your move to protect your king..." He said... I looked down at his hand... He was holding a pistol... I chuckled slightly...
"Oh yea? Checkmate..." I said as I pulled down my scarf, revealing the wiretap on my neck... He sighed slightly... Before disappearing into the forest...
"You can try to follow me... But there's more in this forest that can kill you than just me..." He said as he ran away... When I was sure he was gone... I collapsed to the floor...

"Listen... James... Miles took your brother... And I need your help to find him..." I explained... I told him everything...
"O-ok... How can I help..."
"I need you to tell me everything you can about Kyle..."

"Jack, Miles is gone... I need your help..."
"How can I help?"
"Tell me everything you can about your brother..."

I've spent the past few days trying to find out Miles next move... What is he going to do... He already has Kyle... So why hasn't he done anything... What is he planning... Where is he... The police have been guarding me... They offered to put me into witness protection, but I refused... I'm the only hope Kyle has left... And I will save him... Or die trying...

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