Chapter 1

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The soft roar of mother natures breath sounded across the terrain. Soft gentle scampers of paws across the soil were the only thing interrupting this silence. A squeak of terror sounded from the small grey mouse as the giant beast behind it chased with such fierce. A deep pain suddenly emerged through his back, and with one final squeak, he fell limp in the jaws of his capture. A spotted tortoiseshell cat stand proudly as the mouse lay limp it her jaws. A rough stomp of paws came from behind her, causing her attention to advert from her victory to the gentle sand pelted cat behind her. He gazed upon the very much dead rat, and gave her a bow of approval. "hopefully we can feed the elders with this." The multicolored kitten scoffed. "yeah, sure" her voice was hoarse and quiet. The blonde kitty gave her a half smile. Though he was completely ignored. Tigerleap started her trot back to the clan territory, already completely over this entire encounter. The air hanging was awkward, the silence- aside from the soil and grass crunching beneath their paws, was one of the very things Sandfur despised. "so.. did you hear foxleap is going to visit the moonstone tonight?" He attempted to match her pace to walk beside her, but her irritation only fueled her ability to brush him off. Sandfur was borderline panting as he attempted to even walk behind her. To his surprise, he got a mumbled response. "yes. we live in the same area." sarcasm was 'lightly' laced through her voice. He caught it completely, but continued anyway. "I hope she comes back with a really cool prophecy!" he smiled as he padded quickly behind her. "We are really in need of something good right now" he let out a gentle breath, the air was becoming slightly cooler then before, with the winds becoming stronger. Mother nature didn't seem pleased by this conversation. Starclan above perhaps warning, a bad omen of sorts. However, just like the breeze- it passed through their fur raising no awareness. The female of the two let out a annoyed breath from behind the mouse. "Don't count on that." Sandfur was filled with pure disappoint as to where this conversation was leading. With a final breath- the two had reached their final destination. Crawling through the growing greens of the bush blocking the entrance to their personal territory, revealed the place they had both put their pride in since birth. The gorgeous grass spread across the land, the dirty soil ever so slightly showing through some shortened patches. The dens scattered amongst the border of their paradise. The medicine den was dug out perfectly from under the ground, lots of space provided for the herbs and space for the ill. A glimpse of snow white fur flashed through Sandfurs eyes as he caught notice of Snowfeather sorting her herbs through her den. To the right of her, Darkheart lay lazily againt the roots of a tree, her back rising and falling with each breath she took. He caught notice of foxleap and Tawnystar having a very noticably worrisome conversation. The uncertain face of his leader was hardly miss able. Foxleap sat with her tail curled neatly around her paws. A worried look sat upon her face as she spoke back with the younger cat. He padded into his camp, watching tigerleap drop the deceased mouse at the paws of Blackwhisker. Blackwhisker looked at tigerleap with a darkened look. tigerleap stared back with an unamused face. After a awkward staring contest of death between the two, blackwhisker dropped her head to begin her half of the mouse. Tigerleap turned on her hind legs and started off, away from the elders den with a rather ticked off look upon her face. Sandfur walked his way over to the medicine den- where he was greeted with a highly concentrated snowfeather. Her tail swayed as she focused her all on the herbs laid out in a small pile IN front of her. Her ears twitched as she perked up with a small sound of fright, she turned quickly as she noticed Sandfur standing a few mere steps behind her. He gave her a welcoming smile, and she happily returned it. "welcome back sandfur!" she announced, turning on her paws to meet him face to face. He bowed in respect. "hello snowfeather" as he raised his head back up, he tilted to the side as a sort of gesture. "what's got the leader so worked up?" he wasn't really worried about his leaders and his elders current situation. He knew they were both plenty capable of handling any situation while avoiding complete chaos. He was more so filled with curiosity. Snowfeather tilted her head in confusion like a dog. "I'm,,, not too sure?" she turned back around to focus her attention on the herbs. "but i have to get these herbs ready for when foxleap comes back from the moonstone" she began sorting again. "because starclan only knows what's going to happen." Sandfur let out a small nod, realizing soon though that it was pointless seeming as though her attention wasn't even close to being on him. "do you think were going to be in trouble?" he stated with a little bit of terror lacing his words like venom. She didn't even spare him a glance as she pushed a small pile of red berries into a pile with each other. She mumbled nonsense under her breath. He sighed realizing he wasn't being heard, and stepped his way out of the medicine den. He sighed in boredom as he padded to the warriors den- which was placed beneath a tree outdoors. He laid in his nest made of moss and grass. Then he curled up, holding his gaze on his paws- and he closed his eyes. As he felt himself drifting from the real world, Tawnystars loud call boomed from the center of the area. "Gather beneath the tree, for a important ceremony." Outstretching his claws as he arched his back in a stretching motion, he let out a yawn. He took a second to regain himself from his almost nap- then he began to make his way over to tawnystars tree. He sat himself down beside Darkheart. Who looked annoyed at the fact she had to be there. Looking over at all the other cats in the clan, he looked back to his leader. Every cat in the clan- elders, warriors and medicine, all sat together as they gazed upon their spotted leader. "As known, Foxleap will be attending to the moonstone tonight, as she had been called upon by Tumblecough whilst she was resting." once Tumblecoughs name had left her mouth, Blackwhisker had looked aside else where. "As she is an elder- a requirement of an escort is needed to go a long with her." The clan had all taken glances at each other. "due to our lack of clan members, we cannot send snowfeather to go with her. So, we will need a cat to step up as a volunteer to follow her on this journey. If no one steps up, i will be choosing somebody." As she ended her speech, most remained silent. Until Tigerleap stood up. "I will guide Foxleap to the moonstone" Tawnystar glanced at Foxleap- and Foxleap gave a small nod of approval. Tawnystar nodded. "decided. You leave at the fall of the sun" and with that it was back to their own problems.

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