Chapter 29

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Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded! I had a stretched ligament and a fracture in my ankle and with Winter Break and everything it's all just ugh! lol, Okay so here it is!


"I'm not doing it! No way! Jose! No, no, no, no. nope. How do you say no in Chinese? Well I don't know so look it up, learn it, then let me know so I can tell you." I crossed my arms. Lexi, Hannah and I were currently in the kitchen. 

Hannah was eating some waffles and drinking some orange juice, Lexi was packing a bag for Hannah incase she needed things like extra clothes and stuff. You know, the "baby bag" necessities. And I was denying.. the dress.

"It is only a dress!-" Lexi started.

"That's like saying 'Oh it's only the end of the world' When a meteor is flying towards Earth at a kagillion miles an hour! Me plus dress equals h3ll no!" I waved my hands around.

I was ranting about how I loathed dresses, I mean LOATHED dresses. It was like a fly that wouldn't go away! Last time I wore a dress was two years ago and I got strawberry smoothie poured ALL over me.. I missed that dress.. It was white..

"We; as in you, me and Hannah, are going to the store to pick out a nice dress! I am going to get a nice fluffy dress for Hannah-" I looked over at Hannah who gave me a pleading look she wasn't fond of dresses either."- And I am going to get.. something nice! And YOU are coming with if you like it or not!" Lexi gave me a very srious look. 

Hannah and I looked at each other, then at Lexi and then at each other again. We dared not move.

"I think she is PMSing.." Hannah whispered. 

"Hannah!" Lexi yelled "Where did you learn that word?!"  

Uh.. Me? Oh! Me! Crud! Okay, Don't panic! Hannah won't rat you out! Right?..

"Jamie!" Hannah laughed, I think she is evil. Thanks kid.

"Well! What do you know look at the time! Time to go or the Bridal shop will close soon!" I know.. lame excuse.But still!

Lexi narrowed her eyes at me but continued out the door, Hannah grabbed her jacket, and I grabbed my keys off the hook by the door.

I eyed the scratch on my driver's side door, My poor car got clawed during wolf training a few weeks ago by a wreckless teenager. I still have money left, plus the job I got but I haven't had the time to get it fixed.

I hopped in the driver's seat and pulled out of my driveway after everyone was buckled up, you know what they say! Safety first! 

"So, What do you think about, you know?" Lexi asked nervously waiting my answer. It was a sore subject for Lexi and I. She wanted him to be happy but I was still a tad bit pissed.

"I don't know.." I answered honestly.

"It was inevitable, That's what happens when two people are in love." She stated

"How do we know that?" I asked, I glanced over at her keeping my eyes on the road.

"What do you mean?" She asked, partly curious and partly confused.

"Its in the books that when you find your mate, you are bound to them and will forever 'love' them. What if it's just sexual attraction? Wolves are very.. outgoing animals you know. If you fall in love at first sight, then how come over 50% of wolves get rejected by their mates? Like we did?" I asked, I can't help it. I'm skeptical, I know Darius has been trying. And that thing in the Dining Room a few weeks ago? But I always wonder, even know, if I give him the chance to love me would it really be love or would it be 'love'?

"That's true, but everyone deserves a second chance. I used to be the rebellous one remember? YOU are the one who taught me to forgive, never forget and to remember the good times out of anything bad. YOU are the one that said love is true and unforgettable once you get a taste of it." 

" I know, I'm just not sure anymore-" I checked my rearview mirror "- It's kinda hard to tell when they are serious about us or not, I guess the 50% and higher is stuck in my head." I laughed half heartedly.

"Yea, but I think you skipped the paragraph when it says '90% of wolves reunite after being rejected' Not because of a sexual attraction but because the Male population realises how much they suck without us!" She smiles as she grabs my hand and I laugh.

"Okay, you got me." I smiled, there is no use worring about it now! I have to pick out a dress! Hannah is gonna be the flower child, and Lexi is gonna be a maid of honor! Not exactly excited about the whole thing but it is what it is... the dress.

I've had two things on my mind:

1) Darius and 

2) Gabrielle and Spike's wedding, oh! I'm a bridesmaid too! After all, she is my sister..

HA! GOT YA! I did huh? Oh yea you know I did! Who did you think I was talking about? LOL

From Rejected to RogueWhere stories live. Discover now