Chapter 26

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So the deal was made.. I promised Lexi that she could see Jack and I had to deal, er, make 'amense' with Darius. Yes, yes I know what you are thinking 'you two are mates! Of course you love each other! Duh!' And in some ways you are right, but not necessarily.

You see, Loving someone requires trust, loyalty and friendship all of which Darius doesn't have or hasn't bother to shown. I look over at Lexi now as I'm leaning against the pack house watching her and Jack walk and talk and I think that they are on the verge of trust. Friendship? yes, only because Lexi is too good of a person. Loyalty? Well, Jack follows her around like a puppy, no pun intended, so I guess that counts for something but I think trust is the hardest to learn.

Not just for me but for her too, We lived in this pack and we loved this pack because we had hope that they weren't the major a$$holes that they turned out to be and all we got was a rejection and disgrace for something we never did, so yes, trust is a major issue for Lexi and I because we only fully trust eachother.

I mean don't get me wrong I love Lexi, she's like my sister. But I don't trust Jack, I know that i'm sometimes over-protective and I get that it is none of my business because they are mates but I can't help thinking that she could do soo much better. I can't help wishing that what happened to us two and a half years ago didn't happen. 

What if Darius never rejected me? What if Jack never rejected Lexi? H3ll! What if Gabrielle never let go of Spike? Everybody is rapped in a twisted chain of unfortunate events and I realised this long after Lexi did and I get it now. Hope.   Hope is a key factor in love as well and as I look at Lexi and Jack I see hope. As I wonder about Spike and Gabrielle I think hope. Even, as I think about my loss, heartbreak and even sometimes hatred toward Darius I still think, hope. 

We could have that My wolf whispered to me.

We could. But will it be all for nothing? I asked already knowing she was as clueless as I am.

We won't know if we keep standing here like stalkers. My wolf said annoyed.

I made a promise and for Lexi's sake, I'll keep it. I walked through the living room and into the dining room in a long and confident stride. I was in the middle of the dining room when I noticed painkillers and paperwork and the table but no Alpha. Hmph. 

The door slams behind me and I twirl around to see Darius with his hand on the handle indicating he closed the door himself. Sneaky b@stard.. and when I search his face I'm not too sure I like what I see and then I feel this feeling of lust come over me and I roam his body with my eyes and take in his six-pack abs and no shirt with just jeans on. I let out a moan and threw my hand over my mouth, my eyes widened. What the h3ll?! I'm supposed to be the strong one and here I am speachless and gaping like a fish.

Darius chuckled as he made his way to me with his dark tossled hair and brooding eyes looking to sexy for his own good. Oh no no no no no! I know what he is thinking and I definetly know what I am thinking! I don;t like what I'm thinking! Way to soon! woah slow down muchacho! 

Darius closed the space between us and stared deeply into my eyes and tilted my neck back and leaned down and starting kissing and sucking on my neck cauing deep pleasure. I was hypnoticed by his touch, dam! I said I would make amense I didn't want to make mini-mes! My feelings are so conflicted! Well, his family jewels are right there so If I just kick him it will be hilarious and and he will get off me. Darius started roaming his hands down my side and over my a$$. Oh g0d! No no no.. Aw! F*CK IT!

I jumped up and wrapped my legs around him and pulled his lips to mine, It was electrifying and It intensified until we were out of breath and wanting more. We lost balance and we landed on the floor with me on top and we were still kissing, his Alpha side wanted dominance so he rolled us over so he was on top. I ripped off his pants and got a glimpse of his boxers before he kissed me once again. I got tired of him being on top so I rolled us over as he growled from loosing his dominant position. He pulled away for a quick second.







"About this?" 

Darius managed to breathe out and we continued until my reponse came out.

"Shut up." I demanded and his wolf growled and picked me up slamming us against the dining room wall, with him in front of me.

"MINE." He breathed out in the middle of our kisses.

"We'll see bout that." I reminded him but he didn't seem to care, we kept on rolling eachother where sometimes I would be in front and then he would until we ran out of wall. He ended up in front of me and I didn't like that at all so I pounced on him and we ended up breaking the MARBLE dining room table. We kept on making out because we had two slabs of marble next to us so I ended up keeping the dominant position. 

He managed to rip my shirt in half it looked like a button-downed over shirt but without the buttons, He reached for my shorts. At the same time I realised what was about to happen so I stopped his hands and got up and bolted for the door. I leaned against the outside and slid to the ground.

"Woah." I managed to breathe out.

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