Chapter 1

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**Just a warning for some slight language, nothing too bad though but just a warning that will continue through the entire book.

Also Jasmine is 17 and just starting grade 11. Raph is 17 as well.

"Oh come on Jazz. I'm sure they're fine."

"Yeah they're FINE. But fine isn't good enough. I'm supposed to turn in this assignment on Friday already and I need some good photos," Jasmine groaned as she rested her head on the desk, her black hair flopping down and covering the rest of her face.

"Schools only been in for a week. You're such a drama queen," said an amused Kelly. Jasmine looked up at her laptop screen where Kelly's face smiled down at her.

"I just wish you were here," sighed Jasmine, resting her head on her hands. Kelly's face softened and held up her wrist to show the bracelet she wore with the small green stone embedded in the centre.

"I'm always there," she said and Jasmine lovingly stroked her own matching bracelet that she wore on her wrist.

"But seriously though Kel. What am I going to do? These photos just don't have enough-... life in them."

"Tell you what. I bet if you go out onto your roof with your camera, your ingenious talent will kick in and you'll take a breathtaking picture of the New York City skyline." Jasmine smirked in knowing.

"James is waiting for you isn't he?"

"Yeah," laughed Kelly. "But I'm not kidding Jazz. You're the best photographer I know. I'm sure your photos will be great." Then she lifted her arm and tapped her bracelet once more. "Good friends are like stars," she started with the quote they said every time they talked.

"You don't always see them, but you always know they're there," finished Jasmine with a smile. "I know, Kel."

"Now go take a good photo for me, okay?"

"Only if you tell me all about your date," shot back Jasmine. Kelly smiled and nodded.

"Fine. I'll talk to you later Shutterbug."she said, using the nickname only she was allowed to use.

"Have fun. Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Jasmine hung up with those last words.

Once the screen went dark, she groaned and put her head in her hands. When she lifted her head, her gaze shifted to a photo in a frame on her desk. She picked it up and looked at the  laughing, dark haired woman in the photo, along with the grinning, blonde man, both with cameras in their hands.

"I wish you were here," she sighed. Her parents had died a few years ago in a mysterious hit and run, leaving the apartment to her since she was an only child, and the family talent of photography running through her veins. Her aunt came over every Saturday for a movie night and Jasmine loved spending time with her since she was pretty much the only family she had left. But-...

No one except Kelly and Jasmine's aunt knew about her parents.

Her dark eyes glanced over to where her camera bag sat on her bed. She sighed and pulled her hair up into a messy ponytail, grabbed her camera bag and a pair of shoes, and escaped through her fire escape to the roof, where the beautiful city lights awaited her.


"Maybe if you put aside your ego for once and actually listened, we wouldn't be having this conversation again."

"Oh you think you're so high and mighty, huh? Maybe if you weren't such an ass about it and stopped bossing me around, I would listen."

"First, language. Second, I'll stop bossing you around when you are able to set aside your anger and think about what's going on."

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