01 | music class

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⸺ I breathe deeply as the plane lands. I didn't have to use any of the oxygen on the plane, and Dad will most definitely take me to pick up my new tank soon.

"Hey, you okay Andie?" Bella turned to me. She was definitely the protective sibling type. She could get on my nerves sometimes though. In Pheonix, I had like, two friends, and one was Bella.

I nodded, I had my portable oxygen on my back. The plane jostled slightly as we landed on the ground. I took another deep breath, fighting to get air into my lungs, in, out.

In, out.

In the airport, our dad, Charlie, stands waiting in his police uniform. I run as fast as my lungs allow and give him a big hug.

"Hey Andie-Bell." Charlie uses my nickname he gave me.

"Hey dad." I say. Unlike Bella, I found my Dad good company. Our Mom, Renee, made Bella basically spend all her time with her instead of dad. But, for hospital visits and surgeries, Dad was coming down wether Renee liked it or not. Bella gives him an awkward half hug.

After the reunion, we ride in Charlie's police cruiser to my childhood home. 

"Your hair's longer." My dad commented to Bella as we drove. 

"I cut it since last time I saw you." She said awkwardly.

"Oh. Must've grown out again." Charlie turned his eyes back to the road.

I rolled my eyes, and stifled a groan. They were so awkward, even when we were young. I was quiet, but at least when I talked, It didn't sound like I was talking out of my ass. Bella, on the other hand...

When we got to the house, Dad carried my oxygen tank up to my room for me, and I walk into a room across from Bella's. It was decorated in my style from the few weeks a summer Bella and I would stay here. Fairy lights hung from the ceiling and posters for Paramore and Panic! At The Disco hung on the walls. Being back in that room was like being back in a photograph, surreal and nostalgic.

"Hey, there are people outside." Bella said at my door, and I jogged down the stairs to the driveway and saw Billy Black, and an almost unrecognizable Jacob Black.

"Bella, Andie, You remember Billy Black." Charlie says.

"Yeah." Bella says, "You're looking good."

"I'm still dancing." Billy jokes. "Glad you're finally here. Charlie hasn't shut up about it since you told him you were coming."

Charlie rolled his eyes. "Okay, stop exaggerating before I roll you in the mud."

"Or I ram you in the ankle!" The break out into an old man fight in the middle of the road.

Jacob and Bella introduce themselves. "Are they always like this?" 

Jacob nods. "It's getting worse with old age."

Charlie and Billy come back up to us. "So, what do you think?" Charlie asks.

"What, this?" Bella says.

"Just bought it off Billy here. You have to drive Andie to school in it, though." He says proudly.

"I totally rebuilt the engine." Jacob says.

"Oh my gosh!" Bella gets into the truck, not before accidentally hitting Jacob while opening her door.


I hop out of Bella's truck, she walks out on the other side. "Nice ride." Some guy comments sarcastically. 

"Thanks." Bella replies quietly.

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