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(TW for this entire chapter: Mentions of suicide & suicidal thoughts)


"What do you mean she's gone?" I yell to Alice. 

"She's just..." Alice sighs. "Rosalie, I'm sorry."

My hands shake out of anger and fear. Alice was packing her bags and heading to Forks, giving me no other explanation other than the girls are gone.  "What are you saying?" 

"...Andie's... dead, Rosalie." She sighs out.

My heart feels like it stops, and I feel like I'm dying all over again. Like the pain of my death is there again, and the cold sidewalk is all I can feel, and the only person who ever made that go away is gone. Carlisle rushes over to me to catch me as I fall, and I scream as I think over and over and over again, She can't be gone.  

"I'm so sorry." Alice yells over my sobs. "Bella jumped off this cliff and killed herself, and Andie had a panic attack and after that I can't see anything, it's all a blank, their futures are gone."

I shake my head. "No, no, Carlisle she can't be." I cry. "Please, she can't be, it's too soon."

"Rosalie, I'm going to help Charlie." Alice sighs. "I think you should too. I'm sorry, I have to leave before it's too late. I'm... I'm sorry."

I hear a door close, and I continue to sob into Carlisle shoulder. I feel Esme rubbing my back, and brushing through my hair. They let me cry for a while, while my throughts become scary and dark and back to the place I was when I turned... When I was grieving my own self. But now I was... grieving her. I don't want to grieve her. I want her to be here.

Although I'm still crying, Edward comes to my mind. Does he know? He has too. What will we do if he doesn't know... What will I do? I have no life if Andie isn't alive... if there is nothing to protect her from. I hate to admit it, but one thought came to my mind: Volterra.



I came to in the emergency room, surrounded by other people in similar urgent emergencies, and immediately I pressed the nurse call button. I looked for my phone around the bed, but they must've taken it. 

But then, worlds best nurse, Katie walks in. "Katie." I sigh. "Where's Bella?"

"Why so worried Andie?" She smiles. "She's in the lobby with one of her friends. Charlie knows you're here, but he's caught up at the reservation."

"Her friend? Who?" I ask. 

She checks my vitals, and scribbles something on my chart. "I didn't ask her name. Apparently Bella, your friend Seth who was with you, and this tall dude came straight here, but Bella went home to change out of some wet clothes and came back with her."

I pause. "Oh." I look around anxiously, asking again, "So she's okay?"

"She's fine," Katie reassures me, "I heard she took a little swim, but she's okay."

I realize I'm still in my normal clothes, and that means I  might be able to go home. "So am I okay? Can I go?"

"Andie, since your dad isn't here, you can't leave yet. But I've found you a room, so you can stay until he can pick you up." Katie smiled sympathetically.

"Pleaseeeeee Katie?" I whined. "I won't tell on you."

"Sorry hon, follow me." She shrugged, and I huffed, hooked up to my portable oxygen tank, and walked down the hall to a bedroom. I looked around it, and all I could think was at least it had a window.

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