04 | la push, baby!

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"I just don't understand, how did he get there so fast?" Bella worries.

"I don't know, Bells." I say. she was probably just being over dramatic about the whole 'across the lot' thing.

Me and Bella walk over to our lunch table. "La Push, baby. You in?" Eric asks.

"Should I know what that means?" Bella says.

"La Push beach, down at the Quilete rez. We're all going after school." Mike said.

"I think Jacob and Billy live there." I tell Bella.

"And I don't just surf the internet." Eric jokes.

"But there's whale watching too. You guys should come." Angela says nicely. She was one of the only kind people in this school.

"La Push, baby. It's La Push." Eric says.

"Okay, I'll go if you stop saying that." Bella says.

I smile, and walk over to the trash bin to throw away my empty drink.

"Hey." Rosalie says from behind me.

"Hi." I say shyly. 

Rosalie throws a tray full of food into the trash. "So, what are you doing tonight?"

Was she asking me out? My cheeks flushed. "Um, me and some friends were going to the beach. Do you... want to come with?"

She smiled. "Which beach?" She asked.

"Oh, La Push beach." Her face fell. "Is there something wrong with that beach?"

She shook her head. "No. I don't think I could go though. Bye, Andie." 

"Bye." I said as she walked away.


The beach is freezing. My teeth chatter, and Jessica, Mike and Eric get suited up for surfing. I can't imagine.

"Bella, Andie!" I heard a familiar voice call.

I look upr from my drawing to see Jacob coming toward us. Um, and I know it might be weird, but I'm drawing rosalie's smiling face. She's beautiful, but I'm kidding myself if I think that we'll ever be together. I push that from my mind, close my sketchbook and try to join the conversation. "Jacob." Bella says. "What are you like, stalking me now?" Bella asks jokingly.

"Your on my rez, remember?" Jacob smiles.

"You should keep Bella company. Her date bailed." Jessica teased.

"What date?" Eric's face fell.

"She invited Edward." Jessica laughed.

"Just to be nice, that's all." Bella defends herself. I coughed as the wind blew in my face.

"I think it's nice she invited him." Angela sticks up for Bella "No one ever does."

"Cause the Cullens are freaks." Mike says bitterly. I glare at him.

"You've got that right." One of the boys who came with Jacob says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"The Cullens don't come here." He says, and it chills me. Or maybe that was just the air. Jacob rolls his eyes.

Bella looks a little intrigued. "Jake, do you wanna go see the tide pools?" 

Bella and Jacob start to walk off. "Wait, can I come with you?" I ask them.

"Are you sure?" Bella asks. Always overprotective.

"Yes." I run after them, my face red and out of breath. Bella doesn't look convinced.



okay so next time i update it's just gonna skip over the beach stuff to the next scene bc we all know what happens there.

love you guys!


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