The one and only chapter

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My name is June Holland. I'm twenty one years old and my dream might come true today. I can feel my puls rasing as i tape my knuckles. This is my first time in a real fight. And with real fight i dont mean cage fightnig or something like that. I mean real boxing. In a stadium with an audience. I have been training for this moment for years. Eleven to be exakt. I started boxing when my dad died. It was his favorit sport. He died when i was ten and sence my mom died giving birth to me i was sent to an orphanage.

Lets just say that my time there was not the time of my life. I was being bullied trough my teens. Probably because i was and i am, not like the others. I dont care about makeup or the things girls are supposed to like. I'm a boy girl. I fight, watch action movies and i dont really care about my looks.

I hear somebody knocking on my door.

"It's open!" i practically scream.

The door opens and Ashton comes in. He's dressed in a plain white t-shirt, blue jeans and a red jacket. His black hair is a mess. Like always. But the still looks good. Like always. Its almost annoying that he look so good when i'm standing here in my white t-shirt and messy hair.

Ashton is my manager and best friend. We meet at the orphanage. I guess we kinda bonded over being diffrent. He was not into the manly kinda stuff and i was not into girly kinda stuff. I still remember the first time we meet. It was around the time when i was new at the orphanage and i was being seened as the freak.

"So are you ready for the big fight?!" he says with enthusiasm and bring my back from my day dreaming.

"Of course! I'm just a little bit nervous" i say and put more tape on my knuckles to protect my self doing the fight.

Ashton moves forward and sit down beside me. He takes a bit of tape and start to help me.

"You know that there is no reason for you to be nervous, Okay?"

"How can you be so sure? I might have to go up against some kinda russian assain" i say.

"You always seem to be bringing up assasins" Ashton says laughing. Then his face changes and become more serious.

"You are gonna do great, the one you are fighting won't now what hit them" he says and i smile.

The door opens and one of the guards come in.

"It's your time now, you are gonna be going up against Andrea Stewens" he says and leave.

I put on one more pice of tape, put my dark brown hair in a ponytail and take one last lok in the mirror. I grab my boxing gloves with the word champ on them and leave the room with Ashton beside me.

The guards lead us to the boxing ring.

"I'm sorry sir but only fighters are allowed to pass from here" one of the guards say and point towards Ashton.

"Okay, Good luck June. Beat them good" he says and leaves. My heart is raising as i go into the ring.

I can see Andrea on the other side of the ring. She's got long red hair and small green eyes. It looks like she's living at the gym. The entire her seems to be just one big muscle. I swallow and put on my protection. Kneepads, mouth protetion, elbow protetion and my gloves. I smile a shy smile as i put the gloves on. The were my dads.

I can hear the judge scream "The fight starts now!" and before i know it i'm knocked to the floor. It hurts like hell and when i try to get up Andrea is there to knock me down again.

I spit and get up on my feet. It feels like the room is spining around in cirkels.

I punch towards her but i miss. She tries to kick me but i throw myself at the ground to get away. I fly up on my feet. My head is pounding and it feels like i'm gonna throw up any sekund now.

I manege to punch Andrea in her face. She doesn't seem to care so much about it. She just takes a few steps back and get into fighting posistion.

Is she made of steel or something?! I think to myself and slowly step forward.

One step, two steps, three steps. But before i even get the chance to punch her she knocks me down. I get on my knees and spitt some blood.

She kicks me and i get on my back. She sitts down on my stumick and starts punshing me in the face. It's getting black at the edge of my eyes and i just want to give up but before i say anything the judge blows his wistle and Andrea jumps of of me.

Ashton runs towards me to make sure i'm okay.

"June! Shit! What the... are you okay?" he says as he helps me up on my feet.

"I'm fine" i spat at him and take a step back.

"Did i lose?" i ask

"No this is just i timeout. Everyone thougt you might need it" he says and helps me to my chair. I take the water bottle and Ashton sitts down beside me.

"You know there is nothing wrong with losing. A lot of people would actually prefer losing then getting beated"

"Yeah, well i'm not one of them" i say and get up. Ashton takes my arm and looks at me.

"I know you are not, maybe thats how you can beat her" he says and points to Andrea before leaving.

I get back out in the ring and so does Andrea. We get into position and start going around i circles.

While we are doing that Ashtons words are flying around my head.

"Maybe thats how you can beat her" the sentence circels around in my head and i realize what he meant. I'm not like the others, but the others still expext me to act like them so if i do what i think I seems like the best, i can surprise the and beat them.

It sounds so cheesy yet so reasunable at the same time. All i really know by now is that there is a small change i can beat Andrea and i'm gonna take it.

I punch towards Andrea and i manage to get her to the ground. She gets up in the blink of an eye and before i know it she's coming right at me. I can feel the adrenalin running around in my body as she kicks me in the side. I lose my balance for a couple of seconds. She tries to kick me again but i move to the side and she misses.

I punch her in the face and she steps back. I do the same thing again but with my left arm insted of my right. Then i keep going like that for a minute.

Right, left, right, left, right and left.

After the ninth punch she falls to the ground. I kick her in the stomach and before i know it the judge blows his wistle and screams with his rusty voice:

"And the winner is June Holland!"

I can barely hear anything because of the cheering and screaming from the audience. But i dont care.

The fight is over... and i won.

The end.

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