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" HAH! AS IF! EAT YOUR SHIT OF A JOB I'M DONE WITH THOSE STUPID BULLSHITS! THE LAST ONE WAS THE LAST STRAW! GIVE ME THE REINCARNATION PILL! " you said slamming the table of your boss and hold him on the collar shouting angrily

"Y/N, this person need you, I promise to give yo-"

"YOU SAID THAT THE LAST TIME! AND WHAT DO I GET? ANOTHER JOB! SHOVE YOUR STUPID OF A SHIT PROMISES ON YOUR ASS!" you exclaim, you are pissed off- no you are in anger rage that could totally match up to satan

 why? you ask?, that's because you need to guard another person, and let's just say you don't wanna guard another idiot who push in a pull door. You have enough, you have been working for almost 700+ years now and have reached the needed person to guard in order for you to be reincarnated, being a guardian angel is quite tough you know? imagine wasting your time and effort to guard an idiot who crosses highways, a dumbass who died out of math problems and all, it's quite the effort for you to not just go and send them to hell or even worst- just let their soul taken by some devil at 11:11

" Y/N, I'm begging you, this people have suffered, they need a guardian to help them, lot's of these people had died out a hands of a demon "

" how fool of you to think I care, they have feet and hands and they are perfectly sane and have enough braincells and strength, so why bother helping them? they're just gonna go rely on my strength when they can do it all by their own. " you spit

" I know you don't care about others but you need this for the reincarnation pills right? you do wanna get reincarnated right? " he asked more like a begging negotiator  " you are the only angel who had the strength to defeat those demons, you are one of the strongest, second after me. "

" .... why don't you do it yourself then old fucktard "

" I have paperworks and I can't just leave the HQ, they're might be a lot of problems if I do " he excuses

you sigh, " Fine I'll do it, and if I get back here and is welcomed by another job. I swear I'll be the one who'll lead the devils to destroy this HQ. "

You darkly said and the whole atmosphere feels like someone is about to get murdered or even worst than that, you then walked out slamming the door shut, the boss tremble at your words and the way you look at him like stabbing his soul a billion times and do it again

" I-is she even destined to be an angel? " he said trembling, smiling nervously at himself

"oh! Y/N!.. wait, you have a job? isn't the last one the ticket for your reincarnation?" your close friend, Athy, said quite confused

"correct and wrong, yes, it is, and no, it is not" you said walking pass her, she then gets what you were trying to say by just looking at your eyes- she can totally sense you would torture some souls out of anger just by feeling your aura

" w-well... good luck then " she whisper a good luck

you then ready yourself for the flight in the world of mortals, another universe needs you and you don't actually give a fuck at all.

"welp, let's go and hurry this shit up" you said as you spread your beautiful white f/c tips wings and jump out diving through the sea of clouds and finally, you spot it, you spot the wonderful universe you were about to guard, the world of demons and humans

" hmmm... I see, he's quite strong for his age, his an air head, forgetful, blah blah blah blah I don't give a fuck he's still pain in my ass " you said as you read a folder of information, you didn't care if you were falling, I mean the ground is atleast 100 kilometers away or even further than that

you then sigh, " how lucky of him to even breath "

you then spread your wings and covered your whole figure and spin a light glows all around you making you wrap towards where your person is


It was night time, and the master has called a hashira meeting, mainly because he couldn't attend the other day due to his illness. the hashiras are now waiting for him to arrive when all of them has sensed a presence from behind

they ready their swords, " 25, coming from all of directions, how astonishingly flamboyant" uzui said warning the other pillars, them all ready their katana, ready to protect the master's estate any time

4 demons then appeared from the left and 6 from the right, they're surrounding the 9 hashiras , and strated using their claws and demon art or whatsoever to kill the pillars, sadly one pillar paid no mind and was just asking himself what the fuck is that bird called that's on the tree

"what's with that bird, it have big eyes, it looked like the flame guy... could it be that it's flame dude's lost brother turned into a bird due to demon art? i wonder..." he mummble, he didn't notice but 5 demons were gonna attack him, he's too busy with his own world that he didn't even sensed it nor see them

the pillars wore shock faces, all of them thought he was gonna die any moment, even if they all run they won't be in time.

"TOKITO-KUN!" some of them shouted in worried and scare

and that's when a light glows infront of him and just in 0.5 seconds all the demons was chop down by pieces and some westeria was showering them causing the to die permanently, a strange girl with wings, she have a shiny h/c hair, a beautiful e/c, and the most glorious s/c skin, she have a stoic face on but then anger was visible in her face

" now, now trashes, the bitch has arrived " you snapped your fingers, " ya'll gonna get my one way ticket to reincarnation burned down "

the hashira stare in shock for a sec before them all pointed their weapons to the mystery girl, heck even the guy you save have noticed what you did and pointed his sword on her throat like the others

Bruh. I just save your ass

she look bored rather than scared making a man full of scar quite annoyed, " who or what the fuck are you " he asked- but it sounded rather demanding, the girl sigh, she is now fighting the urge of her anger to just go sew the man's mouth shut

 " will you all calm your fucks down? " you asked rather sassy, " I just saved all your asses up seconds ago and this is how you repay it? wow, I'm so so amaze and quite grateful for such kindness " you said sarcastically, them all glare at you except for the girl with pink to green hair, she was quite looking thankful

" tch, cut the crap and answer. " a black haired short man snapped at you, you roll your eyes.

 seriously people? why so anxious? why so nervous? why so scared? you acted like you don't see me as an angel

before you could even open your mouth, the door was opened, revealing the master with assistance of his two twin daughters.

" such a lovely night my children, let's all calm down and bring down our weapons and let our visitor speak for herself " he said in a soothing voice, the pillars obeyed and began to bow down to him except you, you just stand there with crossed arms and a bored expression

welp. first minute with them, i'm already sensing that this will be the most none idiotic guarding I have ever experienced.... but still, such a pain in my ass

you then looked at the boy your were about to guard.

so this is him, it's nice to finally see you, Muichiro tokito you mentally greeted

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