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" so you are saying your a angel, and you are tasked to guard someone among us, in order to help humanity defeat Muzan kibutsuji?"

"precisely" you replied still in your sassy ass unamused bored face crossing your arms, you were still quite angry about the fight between your boss anyways

"don't trust her, don't trust her, she might be sent here by Muzan, we can't trust her, many demons have wings like hers" The black haired man, named Iguro spit pointing accussingly at you as if saying you are some criminal and you didn't just save all of their 18 butt cheeks

"wow, what a great way to say thank you, you are very welcome" you sarcastically replied, "I have saved you guys asses a while ago, do you have memory problem Mr. ZebraMcshort?" you mockingly replied, all and almost all the hashira snorted making the guy click his tongue out of annoyance

"then prove it! Iguro is right, we can't trust this sarcastic bitch of a winged girl!"the man full of scar said trying to prove the truth on Iguro's words. ' this black in white shits...'

you sigh, "welp if the heroic did I did a while ago doesn't prove it, how about this" you then took out some folders out of nowhere, they stare at you in confusion. "this have all your files in it, from the day you are born until you die" you said as you one hand carry all their files

"is this blackmail miss?" a butterfly pinned woman asked smiling but an irk mark is visible on her forehead

"nope, just some evidence, also I can't spew all of this out into some random peeps not unless i get the person's permission anyways, though... I can use it to black mail the certain person if i want to" you mummble the last one in a dark whisper way

"wait, you said until the day we die, does that mean you knew the future will hold?!" Uzui asked, you nodded as you kept the files to nowhere out of smoke

them all wore shock faces staring at you in disbelief, "if so, then why don't you tell us what the future hold you winged bitch!?" Sanemi Shinazugawa, asked in much more demanding anry tone. you shrug in an idiotic way as you sigh

"if i do, that'll ruin all the fun, besides it's against our rule of conduct as an angel. i mean me my self, I think I can kill Muzan since I am already dead, but cannot, since angels are forhiben to do so, my work here is to guard a person not be a physic/sidekick nor to be some kind of hit man, you walking shut of a scar" you spew out as you sassily explain

"anyway, back the real discussion" you then look at the master as he just smiled, "Ubuyashiki-san, let me guard one of your children, in order to help you against the demon king" you said in a much more respect tone and bow down with your hand on your heart, almost shocking all the hashira by changing your attitude pretty quickly

he smiled, "I am very much thankful to your help, and I agree, but also, i would like my children's oppinion" he said in a thankful voice

"having a angel help us must be great! we have much more strength to defeat Muzan! i very much agree" renguko kyojirou, the flame hashira, said in agreement.

"an angel? how flamboyantly awesome! i flamboyantly agree Oyakata-sama" uzui tengen, the sound hashira, said flamboyantly

"I agree, now we can totally beat Kibutsuji" gyomei himejima, the stone/rock hashira, agreed while crying as he clasp his hands

"I-I agree! if that's the master's decision!" Mitsuri kanjori, the love hashira, agreed blushing and is complementing you mentally

the rest stayed silent as a signal for agreement, "excuse me, but who exactly are you going to guard among us hashiras?" shinobu kocho, the insect hashira, asked. you hum as you close your eyes and began walking to your designated person and stopping your tracks in front of them

"I'm Y/n L/n your personal guardian angel,, Muichiro Tokito" you said with a sly smirk on as your right hand is in your chest bowing slightly like what you did to Ubuyashiki a while ago. "my what?" he asked quite confused at first, he was too busy looking up on the clouds that he didn't much catch up on the conversation


"are you fucking serious?" you sweat drop as you stare at him like he's a shit on a road that you just step on with. he just look at you blankly waiting for you to obey his command. "I'm your guardian angel not a genie you son of a- I'm here only to guard you until your time comes to go and die! not to be your servant" you explain in a angry way imagining that you are now choking while shaking him

"Do I look like I care you talking dove? hurry up! i want my papers now" he said looking at you like a servant, though his voice sounded demanding. If you were aloud to kill him, you swear you are gonna sew his mouth and kick his ass flying to china

'seriously?! this guy?! why do i have to guard this airhead,forgetful ass, and to top it all demanding bitch!'

"how dumb of you to think I'll obey your shits" you said, you then sigh and quickly unsummoned your wings to prevent him on thinking you are some kind of dove or pigeon species.

You both are now currently on his estate since you being his guardian, you mostly follow him around to guard him, and it annoys you to follow him, it annoys you to protect him, it annoys you cuz you felt like a servant or some guard trying to protect his boss, it annoys you cuz you don't wanna experience being like a puppet again.

"hey, hey, I want to eat" he said shaking you off your thought, you turn to him slowly as irk marks appear on your face. "Do you want me to roast you to hell?" you said darkly as your eyes are now twitching you still smiling

"I want simmered radish not that" he replied boredly. you just snapped. "THEN FUCKING GO TO THE KITCHEN AND COOK FOR YOUR OWN! YOU HANDS,FEET AND ENOUGH BRAIN CELLS TO FUCKINGLY COOK!"

"...I forgot how to cook..."



HII! author-san here! sorry for any grammatical errors or typo

PLEASE GIVE YOUR OPINION ABOUT THIS CHAPTER- I just made it for some info and stuff about guardian angels so yeah!... PLEASE DON'T BE SHY TO SAY IT JUST PLEASE BE NICE!


-love lots reader-chan<<33

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 ── m. tokito ࿐Where stories live. Discover now