Chapter Seven

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-The Next Morning, 11am-

Abel POV

Last night Cali gave in and gave it up to me. I knew she'd give in, I don't even know why she refused in the first place, it's her job, she does it for the money....or does she? Am I an exception because feelings are in the way or something? What a shame, I thought she was clever.

I picked up my phone and texted her, asking her if I could stop by later, just to clarify some things.

After I put my phone down I took a shower and got dressed then texted my driver telling him to come get me.

-Ten Minutes Later-

I got into the car.

"Drive around for a while...." I told him.

"Anywhere inparticular after 'driving around'?" He asked.

"The address you went to last night."

"She someone special?" 

I laughed to myself then sighed.

"Not at all Rob" I smiled.

He laughed then shook his head.

"Twice within like 12 hours? Can't blame a guy for asking my man. Especially because it's you, I know how you are about your women" He explained.

 I laughed as I asked him, "The fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"Abel, you know what I mean bro, now...are you ready to go to your girlfriend's place again?" He said in a teasing tone.

"Yes, I am, but she's not my girlfriend."

He laughed again then drove me to Cali's apartment. 

"Wait out here, I won't be long"

"Sure thing" He replied. 

I made my way up to her door. When I got there I knocked and stepped back a little.

She opened the door and revealed her in her towel.

"Evening" I smiled.

"You should've told me you were on your way."

"I hate when the moments expected." I promptly told her.

She moved out of the way signalling for me to come in. I walked into her apartment and sat down.

"Do you want anything to drink?" She asked.

"No. I'm good. This isn't gonna take long."

"Well let me get changed, I'll be back in a second." 

" need.....this isn't gonna take long" I explained.

She sighed then sat down.

"What do you want then?" She asked.

"What was that about last night? Why did you refuse my money and my pleasure, knowing very well you need to do your job in order to make the money. I'm a fairly wealthy and famous man, who in the right mind turns down that type of money or attention? Unless I'm an exception because your feelings are in the way."

She looked down and bit her lip, "I don't know Abel....I haven't admitted to myself that I like you because I don't actually know if I do."

I shook my head and looked down. "Why? Why would you like me?" I asked her extremely curious.

"Bec-" Before she could finish I cut her off.

I gasped then smiled. "Of course....because you think we're the think we have the same morals, the same mentality when it comes to love. No Cali baby, this just proves we aren't the same. I will never, ever be able to like you back, I'm incapable of doing that. No matter how similar we are my morals stay the same, no girl is an exception. I don't understand how you could like anyone though? You belong to the life you're living, falling in love is like turning back and you can't turn back baby're to far in now, you're way too deep. You deserve real love....but you can't get it from me Cali, or anyone all because of your chosen lifestyle, different, mysterious men every night, using your body for pleasure....that type of reputation doesn't sound like your sterotypical wifey material to me...But all of this aside, you need to know that you're mine. You're my dancer, you're my beautiful dancer, and you will be a muse, my muse."

I walked over to her and looked her deep in the eyes. I could see hurt, I could see that she wanted to cry. I stroked her cheek, she moved her head a little, she looked sort of uncomfortable.

"Don't let anything that I've said hurt you, don't let my words get to you. If you like me, then like me but when we're together, put your feelings behind you because I can't do what I have to with them in the way."

She put her hand on top of mine while it remained on her face. I leaned in and whispered, "I'll be back on Thursday..."

I left and went back down to the car. Thank God that's dealt with. I didn't mean to be so harsh and hurt her feelings but she should already know what I told her, it can't be fresh information that she just recieved.

Cali POV

Abel is completely disregarding my feelings towards him and my feelings about what he just said. I'm not a 'Romantic' but I'm not necessarily a sociopath, I can feel emotionally even if I have the job i do, that's just acting, I'm just professional but take away the metophorical makeup, I can be like a woman who works in an office or something, that's what Abel doesn't want to understand. I've heard most of what he's said before but they tried to sugarcoat it, I don't even know what I'm thinking right now, maybe I want to be seen as a regular, good girl but my fucking job gives me a label. Most of the time I see myself as an object to men, or something they pay to see in a museum when I'm in the club, so why am I so hung up on Abel seeing me as something different to that? Why do I get the feeling that I'll be completely fine with chasing after him when...knowing I'm not going to get him? I'm completely confused with myself.

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