Levy McGarden

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~Normal POV~
LU-CHANN!!!! WAIT UP!!!" Levy ran after her best friend as they made their way to the guild hall. Lucy raced into the building before her blue-haired buddy.

"I win." Lucy panted, locks of blonde hair stuck to her sweaty forehead.

"You had a head-start!" Levy said but sighed in defeat. At least my headband kept my hair out of my face, the bluenette thought to herself.

"Whatever Levy" Lucy is a sun spirit capable of celestial spirit magic. Levy looked around the guild and realized most of the gang was here Juvia the water nymph, Gray the ice elemental, Lisanna, Mirajane, and Elfman the three shapeshifter siblings, Evergreen a fairy like Levy, Freed the enchanter, Bixlow the Necromancer, no one completely knew Cana's species but rumor has it she's a succubus. And of course the master Makarov who was a giant, although in human form he was the size of a small child.

Some members species were unknown, such as Erza, Wendy, Natsu, Laxus, Gajeel, and a few others.

~Levy POV~

I panted, I'd just finished racing Lucy from the library to the guild hall. I stood up straight after catching my breath.

"Levy you're back!!" I smiled, I'd recognize those two voices anywhere. I turned to look at my two teammates on team Shadow-Gear, Jet the and Droy the nature elf. They're species may be known for shortness but in human form I was the third shortest out of the whole guild, beating Wendy who was a child and the master.

"I was only gone 3 hours." I giggled. "But we missed you!" The said in unison, they had crushes on me but the feeling wasn't mutual. Sure they were nice guys, but I just saw them as friends.

"What was that Flame Brain?" Uh-oh here we go again. "I don't know Stripper?" That was Natsu and Gray again. "Hey Salamander! Fight me!!" And then Gajeel.

5 seconds later full out, Fairy Tail original, brawl. I changed into my fairy form to escape harms way. Lucy wasn't so lucky, she quickly got pulled into the fight. "Sorry Lu-chan." I giggled.

"Lucy's a man! She joined the fight!" I heard Elfman shout. That's the Fairy Tail I know and love.

Time skip! (Cause I can)

When the fighting subsided it had been master who broke it up. I looked around in Lucy, Natsu, Gajeel, or Wendy. Oh well, guess she already went to Fairy Hills (the girl apartment place)

Author's note~
Sorry it's so short! So how'd you like the first chapter! I just thought it would be a cool idea to write about!! Well, thanks for reading!!!

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