Chapter 24

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I'm sorry for this beautiful masterpiece, but- anywho let's get into the story and I'm sorry for the long ass wait.

y/n's pov

"It'll be fun," I say, my smirk still on my face. Gon smiles a small smile, not knowing what to say. Well, I can't really blame him since I like fighting a bit. That thing about me hasn't changed.

"Okay, let's go before they change the song," Gon says. I nod, following him onto the dance floor.

The dance floor was just a big area of the house that had music blasting and some tables around the sides. It is nice, but I just have to focus on not releasing any aura. I hear the song begin to end once Gon steps a foot on the dance floor. A tune of classical music begins, but thankfully it is upbeat. It was close to those beats I've heard in my mind while dancing all those years ago.

3rd pov

As y/n and Gon reach somewhere close to the center of the dance floor, they begin to dance in harmony. Letting the music move them. Everyone around them begins to just watch them dance there with small smiles forming on some lips.

While in the dance, y/n doesn't notice the lustful eyes looking at her.

The tune began to turn more into one that people would do the salsa with. Y/n begins to shake her hips, Gon keeping up with her movements. They look like a professional dance team. The people who were on the dance floor with them, decide to just watch at this point.

y/n's pov

I begin to feel someone's gaze start to undress me and I lightly sigh, trying to ignore it. But, every other movement I make while dancing, it just gets more severe. I don't feel the calming aura oozing out of me. Well, I'm not feeling very calm with this gaze looking down every part of my body.

Gon raises his hand and spins me. I put my pressure onto the ball of my right foot. He spins me quickly about three times and then dips, finishing the song.

I look up at him and lightly smile. He helps me stand up which he didn't have to since I always was flexible and bendable. (Hisoka, I know what you are thinking and not yet.)

I lightly smile a thankful smile as he stands me up. He nods in return with a small, but gleeful smile on his face. We part hands and glance around. Everyone begins to applaud.

"Did you also feel that intense stare?" Gon says low enough for only me to hear over the roaring applauds. We both bow down.

"Yeah, I felt it, but I was mostly focussing on not letting a calming aura slip out of me," I say in a hushed tone as the applauding begins to lessen.

With that, we both get up. "Thank you for the dance, Miss y/n," Gon says before leaving my side and disappearing into the crowd.

I nod and watch him walk off before turning around myself, heading towards the bar. My heels click against the wooden floorboards of the house. I swerve through crowds of people. While my hips swing with every step I take. Well, not like I can control it. That's just how I walk.

I don't take a glance at anyone since they are just people who were lucky enough to open the gates. If they want to fight, so be it. But I'm not going to be the one to make the move cause I know Illumi's wishes. If I disobey them, he'd probably torture me or kill me. Either or doesn't really matter to me though since we are all going to die someday.

I suddenly feel a hand grab mine and lightly tug me back. I stumble a bit back, not noticing that someone had tugged on me. For them to tug me back, must've been a hard pull.

I catch my balance and look back. The face I see frightens me. My eyes widen, but I quickly close them, not allowing him to see this expression.

"You okay, dear?" he asks. I open my eyes, seeing the same man.

"Yeah, I'm fine. But I'm not your dear," I say, looking into his grey eyes.

"You did wonderfully with dancing, but it would've been nice if you danced with me instead," he says, stepping closer to me. His hand moving up and wrapping itself harshly around my wrist.

I scoff. "Chrollo, I'll never dance with you again. So, just leave me alone," I say, still looking up at him. He's wearing bandages over his forehead and I wish what I saw on the news was real. Him being dead. Along with most of his troupe.

A scent hits my nose. It's a bit distant, but that delicious metallic scent can't fool me. Blood. A corner of my mouth begins to rise. Shit, I need to block out the scent.

"What's wrong?" he says, inching closer.

I look up into his eyes and see a sinister presence. Shit. He did something.

"Nothing, please excuse me," I say, stepping away from him.

"Not so fast," he says, going to grab my hand, but I quickly move it. I don't want to be caught here with him anymore.

I speed walk to the bar and see the bartender who looks to be a teenager. "May I get a whiskey on ice please?" I ask once he came over to me. He nods and goes to get a glass.

While I stand there, I feel multiple eyes on me. One I'm too familiar with and the others. Well, they are new ones. Or ones I haven't felt in a while.

"Miss?" Says a voice, getting me out of thought. I look up from the bar counter and see that the bartender finished my drink.

"Thank you," I smile a small, fake smile at him. I begin to make my way to one of the higher up levels of the mansion. I just need fresh air.

Heyy, thank you all for staying and still reading and holy hell- how the hell did we reach 6k reads. Thank you all for reading and no this isn't the end but I hope you're all enjoying this book so far.

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