Chapter 22

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"I'm looking forward to hearing your stories...about training camp..." Mina said with a sniffle as she slumped over along with Kaminari, Kirishima and Sato.
"W-We don't know for sure yet! There might be a last minute twist!" Deku said, trying to make them feel a little better while I nodded along.

"Stop, Midoriya. If you say it out loud, it'll probably be jinxed." Sero said calmly, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"If we failed the exams, then we'd have to skip training camp and be in summer school hell. And since we didn't pass the practical exam...if you guys still don't get it, then you're dumber than monkeys!" Kaminari angrily exclaimed, poking Deku in the eyes.

"Calm down, Kaminari." Sero said, "I don't know, either. Our team passed thanks to Mineta, but I was just sleeping the whole time. Anyway, since we don't know how they're scoring it..."
"If you feel bad for us, then I dunno, just bring me back lots of stuff!" Kaminari cried.

"Once the bell rings, get in your seats." Mr. Aizawa said as he slid the door open, the bell ringing a couple of moments later, making everyone scramble into their seats.
"Good morning." He greeted as he stood in front of the class. "Unfortunately, there are those who did not pass the final exams. Accordingly, for the training camp in the woods..."

I glanced at those who didn't pass the exams, slumped over and awaiting their fates.

"...Everyone's going!" Mr. Aizawa announced with a grin.
"A last minute twist!" A few students cried, a couple jumping out of their seats in excitement.

"We can go?!"

"Yeah. Some failed, but no one failed the written exam. In the practical, Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, Sato, and Sero failed." Aizawa explained.

"I knew it..." Sero sighed. "Just because my team passed didn't mean I scored high enough not to fail..."

"For this time's exam, we on the villain side, made sure to leave a way for the students to win while watching to see how you all would take on the task at hand. If we hadn't, most of you would've gotten stuck before you started." Aizawa explained.

I nodded; they were pro heroes after all.

"So when you said you were really out to crush us..." Ojiro spoke up.
"That was to make you feel cornered." He finished. "In the first place, the training camp in the woods is one to increase strength. So those who failed need it the most. They have to get stronger." He grinned again. "It was a rational falsehood."

"A rational falsehood?!"

"I was tricked expected of U.A." Iida muttered while those who previously thought they weren't going celebrated in the background.
"However, since you lied to us twice, our faith in you will waver!" Iida yelled, abruptly standing up with his arm raised.
"Wow, you're being such a wet blanket, Iida." Uraraka pointed out.

"That's true. I'll consider that. But I wasn't lying about everything. Failure is failure." Aizawa agreed before looking at the celebrating group. "We have prepared a separate time for extra lessons for you all. Frankly, it'll be tougher than the extra lessons you'd get if you stayed at school."

You could literally see their whole mood dampen as he mentioned that.


Soon it was time to leave.

The previous lesson before was mainly just a briefing on what the training camp was, providing us with a booklet of what was going to happen on the trip and a consent form we needed our parents or guardians to sign.

I was accidentally given 2 copies of the booklet but kept them both, I could give it to Shigaraki.

"Well, in any case, I'm glad we can all go together." Ojiro said with a grin.
"A week of training camp, huh?" Iida mused as he flipped through the book.
"We'll have to bring a lot with us."
"I don't have a bathing suit or anything." Kaminari muttered. "I'll have to buy a bunch of stuff."
"Yeah same." I agreed, almost half the things on the list was stuff we didn't really have.

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