Chapter 2

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As I realized that he was the new player, the trainer finally came and announced to the team that his name was Kai and he was gonna train with the team for another week till the trainer decided that he 100% wanted him on the team.

The only thing I knew about him was that he's new and a total asshole from Germany

The trainer finally began the training and told them what practices they should do and that after they're done they will play a little match against eachother.
When they began to pass the ball from one player to another the trainer, Thomas Tuchel, came to me and sat down in the seat next to mine : „Soo, what do you think of the new guy?" he asked, as he looked at me. „I don't know yet, I haven't seen him play live before, after I've done that I can tell you more." I replied, as I watched the matchfield. After I said that, nobody said anything and we both just watched the team train. 30 minutes passed, the trainer called the team and divided them into 2 groups to play against eachother. One team got orange vests and the other green, they put them over their training clothes and started to play.

15 minutes into the game and Mason Mount scored a goal for team green and made it a 1:0. But not to long after Kai shot the ball into the goal and evening it out to a 1:1. Thomas decided that it was time to end the game after it lasted a total of 35 minutes and ended with a 1:1. He called the team together, explained what they will be doing next week and ended the training. As I watched the team collect the balls and pick up their stuff while I picked up my bag and started to walk towards the exit, Mason jogged up to me „How's my favorite Manager doing?" „For the record I'm the only manager here, but thanks I'm good." I laughed. Mason immediately befriended me on my first day here, since then we've been pretty good friends. „And for the record I just wanted to be nice." He replied as he nudged me with his shoulder. I breathed out a little laugh and we continued to talk as we walked to our cars. „So will I see you tomorrow at the training?" Mason asked, leaning on his car. „Probably not, just because I'm the manager doesn't mean I don't have any other work to do except watching sweaty boys kick a ball around." I teased him with a smirk as I unlocked my car. „Yeah well, but I can count to see you on the party this weekend right? The boys and I wanted to host a little welcome party for Kai. " At that, I rolled my eyes. I didn't have the urge to go to a party for someone I don't even like or know.

And i'm pretty sure he doesn't like me as well, after our encounter today morning

„I don't think he would want someone on the party he doesn't even know, right?" I tried to find an excuse, but It didn't work that well. „Oh come on, the whole team is gonna be there, you're kinda a part of the team so you have to be there! And even if he doesn't know you, that'll be an opportunity for you guys to get to know eachother. Let's make a deal, if I score a goal in the match on Thursday you'll come, alright?" He said, smirking as he walked over to my car and reached his hand out. „Deal" I schook his hand, also smirking.

I arrived at my apartment building at 4:26 p.m. I got out of my car and got my bag, locked it and walked to the door. I unlocked the door and threw my bag at the coat rack in my hall, I also threw my shoes off at the floor and hung my jacket at the coat rack. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge, only to see that nothing in there could provide a proper meal. So I dressed myself again, changed out my jacket for a black one and checked into the living room, just to see my gray cat Sunny who peacefully slept on the couch. I checked if he had enough food and filled up his water. As I walked down the stairs, I noticed that there was a new name on the bell that belonged to the apartment infront of mine. I didn't live here for a long time but when I moved in I didn't have any neighbors. I just made a mental note to check on the way back what the name on the bell was.

At the store I didn't really do a big purchase, just necessary food I needed in order to cook a proper meal. I checked out and walked to my car, put the bags in the backseat and sat in the drivers seat as I started the car and drove home. About 5 minutes later, It started to ring and I clicked on the display in my car to answer the call. „Hello Livia, I'm sorry for calling you after work but I need to talk to you" Thomas said. „Hey Thomas, sure what's up?" I replied as I looked at the street. „I know we said that the new guy would just train with us for a week, but he's actually really good and I would want him on the team till the match this Thursday, I hope you're okay with this?" I was a little shocked that he already wanted him to be a solid part of the team, but nonetheless I replied with : „Well, I mean you're the trainer so that's fully your decisions. If you think you're sure and he's so good that you already want him on the team, go ahead." „Thank you, I just wanted another opinion on this. Will I see you at the training tomorrow?" „Probably not, I've got some paper work at home to do." „So I'm expecting to see you at the stadion cheering for the team at Thursday."
„I'll be there." I laughed and hung up. The call completely distracted me and I didn't even noticed that I was already home. As I parked the car and got the bags from the backseat, I noticed a new car that looked familiar to me, but ignored it and started to walk to the entrance door. I was searching for the keys in my bag and balancing the bags with the food on my other hand as I bumped into someone. „Seems like we keep meeting this way." I looked up and saw a familiar face that was smirking at me.

„What are YOU doing here?"

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