Chapter 3

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„What are YOU doing here?"

„What am I doing here? I could ask you the same thing." I said while I crossed my arms and looked at her. „I asked you first. And to answer your question I'm living here." Livia replied, she looked annoyed whilst she pointed with her finger to a set of windows which kinda meant that she lives there.

I guess I stared too long at the windows because she waved her hand infront of my face and asked : „Are you gonna answer me or just want to stare at my windows?" I rolled my eyes as I looked at her and answered with : „I'm gonna live here aswell now, so you better get used to me, neighbor." She just looked shocked at me and stared at my face. I wanted to anger her so I imitated her voice and spoke her line from earlier with a smirk : „Are you gonna talk to me or just want to stare at my face?"
At that line, she was startled out of her thoughts and looked away from my face only to look back a second later. „No, I was just in my thoughts- anyway. Just make sure we won't cross paths often, I'm not in the mood to see your face everyday." „That's gonna be hard tho, taking that we're living across from eachother and working at the same place." I said, still slightly smirking at her as she bumped my shoulder while she went past me and into the building. I stayed in my spot for a few more seconds, looked after her and eventually went to my car to grab the rest of my stuff.


What an asshole
What a fucking asshole
Who does he think he is?

I thought while I stormed up the stairs and onto the floor my apartment was at. When I arrived infront of my door, I spun around and looked at the nametag of my „new neighbor" and indeed, it said Havertz. I wasn't in the mood to meet him once again, so I quickly opened my apartment door and walked inside. As I stripped my black jacket and shoes off, my cat Sunny came to me and started to cuddle my leg. I scratched his head while he purred and I stood up straight again only to take the bags to the kitchen. I unpacked all the bags and stored the food in cabinets and the fridge as Sunny walked into the kitchen and once again started to cuddle my leg while I laughed. I grabbed a pack of chips, made my way to my couch and played Greys Anatomy to watch a few episodes. After episode 10 of season 5 was over I shut down the TV and went to sleep on the couch, not having the strength to move over to my bedroom.

I woke up with a terrible back ache that was caused by the couch, it made me groan as I sat up and searched for my phone. Eventually I found it and checked the time : 9:26 a.m., meaning I had to start my work on my laptop in 34 minutes. 10 minutes passed and I decided to get up, I walked into my kitchen to make some breakfast. After a quick look around, I choose to make simple cheese toasts. While the breakfast was being made my phone rang and I quickly sprinted over to my couch to grab my phone only to see Thomas was the one who's calling. „Hey, I'm sorry for disturbing your work at home but one of the workers from the social media team is sick today and I need someone to take photos for our Instagram page, and since I know you're good at photography and have a good camera I thought I should try calling you. Could you help me out?" „Yes sure, give me half an hour and I'll be there." „God thank you, you're saving my life." „No problem, see ya." and with that I hung up.

There goes my day at home I guess

Quickly I eat my breakfast and  got changed into more presentable clothes which consisted of dress pants and a blouse, grabbed my car keys and walked out of my apartment and down the stairs. While I was stood in the parking lot I noticed that what i presumed was Kais car wasn't there, which meant that he was probably also at the stadium. As I mentally prayed that I won't see him, I sat into my car and started my way to the stadium. I walked past the security while I showed my staff ID and continued to walk to the meeting room to discuss what photos we'll be doing today. I saw Thomas who was already seated in the meeting room waiting for me, I approached him and we talked through what photos we'll be doing today. Turns out, most of my shooting time today will be with Kai, because we still had to announce that he was now a part of Chelsea F.C. Thomas took me to another room and explained while we walked there that we have to shoot some photos while Kai signed the papers for the official transfer.

Kai already waited in the room and stood up and shook Thomas' hand as soon as he saw him, then Thomas stepped aside and introduced me : „This is Miss Livia Harper, she's our manager and today also a photographer." Kai slightly smirked at me and put out his hand to shake mine, but I already wanted to object : „Oh no need for tha-" I was interrupted by Kai shaking my hand, not knowing why he didn't want me to finish my sentence. „Nice to meet you." I spoke through gritted teeth and a forced smile while I broke off our hands and grabbed my camera. „Likewise." Kai replied but I ignored him. „So which photos are we taking first?" I tried to break the tension and Thomas and Kai started to position themselves behind the table where the transfer documents and a pen were. While Kai signed the papers I began to shoot some photos, and a few minutes later everyone was satisfied with the results so we were finished in the meeting room and ready to go down to the pitch. As I walked towards the pitch, I spotted Mason and Timo warming up for training.

„Livia, wait up will you?"

Fuck off please

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2021 ⏰

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