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Chapter One: My Flower

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I sucked in a deep breath, one hand on the neck of my violin, while the other on the bow. I brought the instrument up to my left shoulder and held it there with my jaw. After making sure there was no tension in my body, I closed my eyes and passed the bow over the strings. A few notes later, I stopped for a moment, and when I started playing again the rest of the orchestra followed me.

The tempo picked up, changing the tragic melody into a more intense one. Four other violinists followed my lead, creating what felt like a sea of music. The two cellos that echoed gave the depth that I had envisioned when I had composed this piece.

I stopped, letting the cellos change the pace, and then picked up again with a melody that differed from the rest. As usual, I was the one to close the song and as I did, I opened my eyes to see the room before me. I knew that eyes were always on the orchestra in the opening number but seeing them made my breath hitch every time.

The next song had a sweeter melody and this time I kept my eyes open. As the first notes left my instrument, I saw the King and the Queen getting up and walking to the middle of the ballroom. They took hold of each other, the Queen's mint green gown matching the King's white and gold suit, and started dancing. A few other couples joined the rulers, the Crown Prince pulling his beautiful wife out to dance with him. Love radiated through the room and my eyes found the middle finger of my left hand. The finger that soon would be wearing a betrothal ring.

The song changed and I forced my eyes on the giant gold and jeweled chandelier. I focused on the glimmering purple and light green gems that reflected the light of the candles. The soft giggle that swirled around me drew my eyes despite my effort to not look at the people that were dancing. I was still playing, and I couldn't get distracted, but that giggle always caught my attention.

I stared at Princess Emmeline for one moment too long and I almost lost a note. She was dancing with her guard, who was able to dance because the guards were enough to spare at nights like these. He had one arm around Princess Emmeline's waist while his other arm was extended so his hand found hers. Despite their height difference, Forester was the perfect partner for the young Princess. Not taking too much attention away from her. She swirled in his arms and her lips pulled back in a stunning smile.

I started playing the next song and saw a young man approach Princess Emmeline. She talked with the young man in what appeared to be a kind manner, but he seemed disappointed with her words. No doubt he had asked her for a dance. But Emmeline couldn't agree to it, not with someone who wasn't betrothed or sworn off like Forester was. Not when Emmeline herself was not yet betrothed.

Forester was right by her side, taking her hand again and accompanying her to another dance. Emmeline loved to dance. She grew to love and appreciate all arts, but dancing made her seem as vibrant as the evening midwinter sky.

I tried not to get too lost thinking about her, playing the song that I had to play; creating music for her to dance to. But still, not following her around the room with my eyes was impossible. She wore one of her favorite dresses. It was a strapless ball gown with a deep blue corset that faded out into a brilliant white. It was a perfect match to the diamond and sapphire encrusted tiara, that rested on her light blonde curls.

She said something to Forester, which made her guard smile down at her and she giggled again. I couldn't hear it this time, but the sight of her wide grin made my skin crawl.

I wasn't yet betrothed. According to tradition, people under the age of eighteen weren't able to get betrothed. And in my case, I was a few months shy. So, while I was still single and appearing available, in reality, I was anything but available. I was in love and already promised.

I smiled to myself as the song came to an end and looked at one of the other violinists. He stood up, joining me as the rest were sitting down, and we started up the next song, both leading. This duet wasn't one of my compositions, but it was among my favorite songs. It made me think of spring afternoons. Of sitting underneath a cherry tree by the river that coursed through the city. It made me think of loving hugs and sweet kisses.

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