Eyes Up Here

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Prompt: Miu goes to yell at Tenko but catches Tenko staring at her tiddies as she does so, Miu is not impressed (even though she secretly is)

Is this NSFW? Not really but take this as somewhat of a warning that there is a lot of explicit language and seggsual thoughts!

Miu was furious, well furious was an understatement. Anyone could tell the inventor had something on her mind when she came storming into the once peaceful cafeteria that Saturday afternoon.
Tenko, on the other hand, couldn't care less about the girl's angry antics. Instead her eyes stayed glued to the manga Angie had given her earlier that day. It was a rewritten tale of Alice in Wonderland—one of her favorites—that Angie had attempted to read not too long ago, but had given up. Complaining that it was "too far off from the original source," which Tenko didn't mind one bit.
The brunette was so engulfed in her book she had almost completely forgot about the angered inventor until her shrill voice rang throughout the room, "Tencrotch Chabashitra, I'm gonna need to have a word with you!" Great. Tenko winced slightly at the 'nickname' Miu had given her, but winced even more at the fact that she had somehow managed to fit a vile word into both her first and last name and use it against her at the same time!
"Yes, Miu." The aikido-master stated rather bored, her eyes yet to leave the manga laid out in front of her. The loud stomping of heels got closer and closer until the seemingly dark shadow towered above her.
Any other person would be scared in this situation, no one enjoyed Miu's fury, in fact people often ran from it—but to Tenko, it was nothing. Perhaps it was the fact that she too went on angry rampages, she would go hours just stomping around throwing and punching everything she could. Her throat would sting at the end from her meaningless yelling and her eyes semi-irritated from all the times she had wiped away the angry tears from them.
But then again it could also be the fact that she was oddly attracted to the inventor—though she would never admit it. Despite her foul mouth and inability to remain composed for more than ten minutes, she sure as hell was gorgeous.
A loud "ahem" ripped Tenko from her thoughts and she finally peeled her eyes from her manga. There, standing above her, was a heated Miu Iruma, and if her voice wasn't enough to give away that she was mad, her face certainly was. And for once, Tenko might've actually been scared of the girl.
"So, you gonna tell me why I have Kokichi running to my door telling me all the shit you've been saying about me, or should I just pummel you face with one of my genius inventions first?"
"Easy, cause everything I said about you is true and it's about time you heard it. You're a foul mouthed girl with the same brain as a degenerate who's nearly good-for-nothing inventions help no one but forty-year-old men who live in their mom's basement and jerk off to any pretty girl they see on TV." Tenko responded quite simply, turning her attention back to her (much more important) book.
The shadow hanging over her darkened and she could see a small strand on strawberry blonde hair fall close to her face. "Excuse me?" God, she really didn't have time for this.
"I'm pretty sure you heard me the first time. I answered your question, now can you please leave me alone." Tenko didn't even bother rolling her eyes, though maybe it was better that she didn't, Miu was rather close to her face. But yet the darkness over her didn't disappear, and after thirty seconds of an awkward silence (mostly because she had failed to bring her concentration back to the book in front of her) she turned back to Miu.
She was much, much, closer than anticipated. Her face loomed over Tenko's, her expression somehow angrier than before. But what had caught Tenko's eyes more than anything, was the larger than average breasts which were positioned directly in front of her face. They were practically at eye-level and it wouldn't surprise Tenko one bit if the inventor had positioned them there on purpose. The black of her lace bra poked out slightly—looking just a little too small to hold her chest—and Tenko couldn't tell if she wore it like that on purpose or if it was her own mind looking in places it shouldn't. Either way it was typical for Miu, always wanting to flaunt the only thing she had going for her—other than her brain of course.
Regardless of Miu's boobs being directly on her face, Tenko managed to make eye-contact with the girl once more. "Miu, I really don't have time for this, so if you're gonna punch me or something do it now I don't need you wasting my time–"
"I'm wasting your time?! I'm the one who should be working on her amazing inventions instead of having to confront you for an opinion which is clearly wrong!"
"I'm entitled to my opinion Miu and I stand by it, now either punch me or go work on another one of your pervy inventions."
"I will let you know, my 'pervy inventions' actually do help many people! Not just forty-year-old men..." at that point Tenko had drowned the other girl out, why now of all times did Miu have to bother her. Tenko had made it rather clear she was not interested in this conversation being longer than it needed to.
Her eyes traveled back down to the breasts in front of her. They were rather nice, she had to admit, Miu wasn't lying when she said she was stacked. And Tenko couldn't help but begin to wonder what the rest of her body must've looked like, if it was as soft as it seemed, if it was as sensitive as Miu had made it out to be, if Miu actually made noises similar to the ones she made in response to Kokichi's degrading, and if- No! Bad, Tenko, those are degenerates' thoughts!
Miu must have noticed her zoning out, cause before she knew it Miu's harsh voice yelled directly into her ear,
"Hey Miss Andry, you're going on about how much of a degenerate I am while you're over here staring at my tits while I'm trying to yell at you! God, the amount of hypocrisy you carry is concerning, whoever shoved all that crap in your head is a real fuckin' asshole."
Tenko ripped her eyes from the inventor's chest, finally staring her in the eyes again, "Well maybe I wouldn't have been staring if you didn't shove them in my face!" And suddenly, Tenko's tone matched Miu's, causing the other girl to stumble back slightly as she winced at Tenko's much harsher tone.
"Well god, I wasn't that mad, you didn't have to start yelling at me-"
"You were the one yelling at me–" Tenko paused, quickly remembering her 'No, no, nos' before taking a breath, continuing in a much softer voice, "Miu, I really don't have time for this. If you're willing to talk it out like a normal person, I'll be in my dorm." The aikido-master picked up her long forgotten manga before walking to the door,
"Fine, and I'll be sure to wear something a bit more revealing this time so you can stare at my tits some more instead of listening to what I'm saying, like the degenerate you are." Tenko's blood boiled at Miu's final comment, she could practically hear her smile in that last insult,
The brunette turned on her heel to face the inventor—when had she stopped walking?—Miu's face displaying a smirk, and if it weren't for the fact that she had just called her a degenerate, she would've been a little turned on. She was clearly proud of herself, and for once in her life, Tenko didn't have anything to say in return.
"Silent, hm? Let's see how quiet you are after I show up to your room later." It was clear what Miu was intending, and two could play at that game.
"Oh trust me, you'll be the one wishing you never opened that stupid mouth of yours." Tenko hardly got the chance to see the red stream across Miu's face or hear her desperate whimpers she had left so fast. Tenko couldn't have been happier when she arrived at her dorm, flopping down on her bed, her final words finally catching up with her.
What on earth had she just gotten herself into?

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