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(From Chapter 25)

Kid and I arrived outside my dorm after the long night. I climb the stairs and open the door, but Kid stays standing in the street.

"Kid, are you coming in?"

"This only happens so often," He explains the rarity of tonight's symmetrical sky to me. I walk over to him and sit down in the middle of the street. He laughs and sits down with me.

The clouds are still perfectly aligned and are a beautiful color this late at night, though, they are a bit grey too. The sky above us begins to drip slowly. Raindrops land across the entire street.

"It's starting to rain, we should go inside," Kid starts to stand up, but I grab his arm and pull him back down.

"'This only happens so often,'" I quote him, "We should enjoy it."

"All right. You've made your point." He adjusts the way he's sitting, and scoots closer to me. As the rain begins to get heavier, I take his hand and intertwine his fingers with mine. His hands are cold yet comforting. I feel him shuffle around a bit before leaning his head on my shoulder. Blood rushes to my face and paints it red. The rain continues to fall on us, and I give in to my desire. I lean my head on top of his. We don't bother trying to talk over the rain. It's loud, but soothing and gentle. I rub my thumb on his soft hands and finally close my eyes. We hear thunder in the distance, but neither of us moves. I'm comfortable where I am and never want to leave this feeling. Our breathing syncs up and so do our heartbeats. Sitting here like this, alone, just staring at the sky. It's like a painting, and Kid and I are in the center of it.

Kid gets a notification on his phone, and the sound breaks the moment. Reality comes back to us and we both lift our heads. Our hands come apart, and without talking, we both agreed to stand up.

"Let's dry off," I smile and lead him back through the building and up to my dorm. When we walk in, I get a good look at Kid. His hair is completely flat now that it's wet, and his white button down is practically transparent so you can see his collarbones and his chest. His clothes cling tightly to his body, and I can see the shape of every one of his curves. After staring at his chest for longer than I should have, I run to the bathroom to grab a towel.

I step close to him and wrap the towel around his head. I massage his scalp with the towel, helping to dry his hair. Its fluffier and more voluminous, but not much drier. When I take it off his head to do my own, he grabs it from me instead. He places it on my head and gently dries my hair. He looks right into my eyes and the golden sun in his shines brighter than ever before. With one hand holding each side of the towel, he lowers it to my neck and pulls my face closer to his. His warm breath feels so nice on my skin.

"Even after getting drenched, you're still symmetrical," He smiles at me. Kid's fingers run through my hair and a chill runs through me. Being this close to him is still so nerve racking.

"What does-" I'm cut off by his lips locking with mine, the striped seducer pulls me into it even further with the towel he has wrapped around me. I grab onto the lapel of his jacket and keep him in this kiss, getting more passionate with every second. He lets go of the towel, but it stays around my neck. We each pull away to take a moment to breathe, but I'm sucked back in as Kid presses me into the kitchen island and places kisses down my neck. When he kisses the edge of my jaw I melt into him. It seems to be a weak spot for me. He repeats exactly what he just did on the other side to make sure his actions are symmetrical. When he kisses my jawline on the other side, I let out a small moan. He pulls me in for one final kiss and I run my fingers through his hair. He pulls away and I slide my hands down his wet body.

He lets go of me and once he realizes everything that happened, he apologizes, "I'm so sorry, I really am, I didn't even ask you if it was okay to do that I just did it completely without your permission. If you want me to leave I will, I really didn't mean to-"

"Kid," I look him up and down. "It's fine," I turn away and let him know, "I enjoyed it,"

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