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(From Chapter 37)

I left Kid downstairs while I went to change for the party. I came back down and he was still waiting for me.

"C'mon, I can show you what I did before everyone else gets here," He stands up and his mouth curls when he sees my outfit.

"I can't believe Liz told you I pointed that out," He grabs the fabric, "And that you went back to buy it,"

"It really does look nice on you, though," His smile gets a bit wider and his face gets a bit redder.

"Let's go to the ballroom. That's the second surprise," I grab his wrist and lead him all the way there.

"I was just in here yesterday, how would you have the time to set anything-"

"You put very little faith in me, Kid," I let go of his arm and open the large doors into the ballroom. Kid flips the light switch and different colors compliment the room in different spaces.

"C'mon, let's get a picture while it's just the two of us," I pull him by both his hands all the way to a spot on the wall covered in various balloons, ribbons, and lights. There's a camera set up in front of it. I sit him down on the bench and press a button while I rush to sit next to the boy. He tosses his arm behind me and pulls me in closer at the hip. I smile at the camera and it flashes right in my eyes.

"Let's see how it turned out!" I stand up and run over.

"Are we in the middle of the frame? I tried to move us a little better," Kid walks over.

"I think so," I step over for him to look at the picture on the camera.

"I'm happy with it," The camera sends a signal to a machine against the wall to print a photo. I run over and take it once it's done.

"Here," I hold it out to Kid," He smiles and takes it with both hands.

"Can we take one more?" He asks, slightly nervously.

"Sure, it's your birthday after all." I smile and he sits back down. I click a few buttons and run back over to get to the bench in time.

I smile towards the camera, but Kid grabs my head and turns it. I don't even see what happens until it's already happening. The camera snaps as Kid kisses me. He doesn't pull away immediately, but once he does, he runs right over to the camera.

"No, no! I don't want to see it!" I run over, completely embarrassed.

"I didn't even know your eyes could open this wide!" He's laughing before I even get over there.

"Don't print them yet!" I don't want people to see these.

"Too late, I've already told it to print a bunch."

"Kid!" I finally get over there and see the picture. You can see his smile even though he's completely pressed against me.

"Should I use them as party favors?" He teases.

"You wouldn't!"

"Oh, I would."

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