Forget me!!!

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“You mean the world to me, Justin... ”

Those are the words he told me a year ago. Words that I thought would make our relationship go stronger. The happiest moment we had but also the end.

“…I can’t spend lifetime with you.”



“Lester, what are we doing here? Your party is not yet finished.”

We are currently on the middle of the woods, near the river and the limit of their family’s land.

“I just want to be with you. I want to talk and laugh with you.”

“But you are always with me already.”

“I just want to see my girlfriend smile, even before I leave this place.”

As he said those words, he looked up the sky. I already felt that something is bothering him. That’s why I did my best to encourage him, which only worsen the situation.

“Lester, I’ll be fine. I’ll take care of myself. I’ll wait for you. Isn’t it you’ll go back here after you finished your studies?”

He looked at me intently with great love and conviction, and then held my hands.

“Promise me that you’ll take care of yourself. You mean the world to me, Justin. Always remember that. And, please, if time comes that you’ll no longer see or be with me, continue your life. I’ll be happier if you’ll start to live as if you didn’t meet me on the first place.”

With that, my tears already traveled down my cheeks. We were happy back on the party because he passed the scholarship exam for Darmount. He’ll fly there to study. I thought we would have a long distance relationship. I readied myself for that. As I told him earlier, I could wait for a long period of time but from what he said, he wants us to give up.

“What are you saying? I can’t do that, Lester. I can’t forget you. I will wait and hang on your return. You are the only one I want to see on the altar when that day comes. I want to spend forever with you by my side.”

I even cried hard with what he did and said next.

He forcefully took away his hands from my grip. Then he said coldly,

“You shouldn’t do that. Those dreams of yours will never happen because I will never go back here. Maybe I’ll be back but I’ll be different.”

He said those words without any sign of emotion. I pleaded in front of him. I beg him not to go instead, ask him to stay with me. I was pleading hard when he shouted and looked at me as if he’s disgusted with me.

“Stop making yourself weak! Don’t fill your head with those non-sense trashes. I don’t want to stay. I want to go to States and have my own life there. Maybe you can find another guy who could fulfill those dreams but it’s not me. It’s not me, Justin, I can’t spend lifetime with you.”

He started walking back to where we came from. After he took few steps, he stopped and without looking back at me, he murmured,

“I’m so sorry, Justin, someday you’ll understand.”

Those are the last words he said before he permanently left this area and me. I stayed here until sundown. I cried all the pain that I feel at this place, this place where we first met and became friends. I decided that I’ll still wait for him. Even though he may change, I’ll hang on.

Meant to beTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon