Bright ass pink.

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Dream's nipples have always been bright ass pink. He had never met another person with nearly as bright of a nipple color. He'd seen blue, green, even purple nipples but none were quite as saturated as his bright pink ones. Dream couldn't even wear white shirts without his nips showing through.

He had been bullied for his nipples since he was 10 so Dream always made sure to wear black shirts so no one would ever see his fluorescent nips. He promised himself he would never show his chest ever, even if that meant he would never meet his soulmate.


Sapnap arrived at the Dream residence on a hot summer's day.
The heat was unbearable, nary a breeze in sight, and a draught that just made the air hot and dry. Being outside for even a minute would give anyone a burn.

The two of them spent the majority of the day relaxing and getting to know each other more. Things were going well until Sapnap asked a question Dream was scared he would ask.

"Hey it's freaking hot out today. We should go swim!" Sapnap offered.

Dream was stuck as to what to say. He couldn't wear a swim shirt because it was way too hot but what if Sapnap made fun of his nipples, like so many people had before.

"Oh I don't know about that. We can just turn up the AC or something.." Dream replied.

"What can you not swim? It's okay, Big Daddy Sapnap will teach you!" Sapnap exclaimed and jumped off of the couch to get ready. Dream sighed and reluctantly got his swimsuit and a shirt.

"Why are you wearing a swim-shirt? Its a billion degrees out." Sapnap asked. "I'll take it off when we get there, I don't like when my back sticks to the car."
"Me neither but a button up is easier to get off, and is more appropriate to the season. Whatever, lets just go!"

So they set off to a local park and public pool. It wasn't long before they got there, but that meant Dream didn't have much time to prepare his mind for his great reveal. Not even showing his face was this scary.

They hopped out of the car and began walking to the pool in the center of the lot.

"Ohhh this is going to feel so good!" Sapnap cheered. "Come here, I'll put your sunscreen on."

Dream walked over but was getting increasingly nervous about showing Sapnap his nipples. "Cmon, take off your shirt." Sapnap encouraged. Dream sighed but began to slowly remove his shirt.

"Please don't make fun of them.." Dream averted his eyes, anxiously. Sapnap was silent for a moment before removing his own shirt. Dream looked over and saw, no other than bright ass pink nipples.

Dream gasped and put his fingers tentatively on Sapnap's nipples. Not in a weird way, he just had to make sure they were real. This wouldn't have been the first time he had been pranked like this. Sapnap looked lovingly at Dream's nipples but then into his eyes.

"I- I can't believe it! You're my soulmate!" Dream laughed. "I would never make fun of your nipples Dream, even if we weren't soulmates. They're gorgeous." Sapnap blushed and began to apply the sunscreen on his newly found soulmate, starting on his chest.


Months passed and Dream got more confident with his bright nipples, going as far as wearing thin white T-shirts in everyday occurrences. Thanks to Sapnap he was able to overcome his self hatred and love himself for all of him, nips and all.

Maybe Bright ass nipples, aren't as bad as he first thought.

613 words <3

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