Life - The collection

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This is going to be a collection of a few things I think about whenever I'm in the mood to do so. They are somewhat more philosophical than my normal work.

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The Heart

The human heart is a powerful thing. It can love, it can destroy, it can care, it can hurt, but what's even more important is that it can change. Without a heart, we would be mere machines. And our mind is what us change from animals to what we are today. We call ourselves 'human', but where exactly does that stand for? Is it because we can think for ourselves and aren't constantly forced to do things because of instinct? Is it because we can love, hold and care? Is it because we can hurt, suffer and destroy? Will those questions ever be answered? Animals care, love and hold as well, but they're still animals. They can hurt, suffer and destroy, but their name doesn't change. Even the instincts we all had from the day we were born, aren't any different than the ones of animals. Then why are we different? Is it just because we look different? Humans look different as well, and still are human. Is it because we can talk? Nature has its own language, we just can't understand it. The sound of the water, of the air, it's a language. The roars of a beer, the purrs of a cat, it's a language. We can't make the sounds they make, and they can't make the sounds we make, but that doesn't makes us different. We're the same.

      In both groups are divisions of good and evil, hunter and pray, child and adult… Maybe even, human and animal. But are it divisions? Are it really differences? In every good thing rests an evil one, and the other way around as well. A hunter can become a pray in a split second, and a child grows up and becomes an adult. We're not different, we're the same.

      Different pieces of the same puzzle, all with a significant task of their own. And if all the pieces of the puzzle are put into place, hopefully humanity will finally see. Hopefully we will finally see that there aren't differences, just different states. Different states of matter, if you want to call it that way. We're all part of the same circle, we are born… We grow up… We die. What we do in between, doesn't matter. Who you are, who you were, who you will be, does it matter? Who cares about a little boy in the snow, wondering what he wants to be if he grows older? Who cares about that little girl who cried because she lost her puppy? Who cares about the adults who can only complain about their miserable lives? Who cares, other than themselves?

      Their family cares, their friends care. We all help each other in our own way. We support each other, help each other, care about each other… And we all hurt each other, we hurt the world we're living in, and we hurt ourselves.

      Happy things pass by, sad things pass by, and nothing ever stays the same. Nothing stays unchanged. You may wish that time will stop, but it never will. Every 60 seconds spent miserable, is a minute that will never come back. There's just one thing  we can do in our lives, and that's life. Search the next happy thing, survive the next sad thing.

      Cry, laugh, hope, search. The only emotions that matter are the simple ones. Do you feel sad? Then cry. Do you feel happy? Then laugh. Don't make live even more complicated than it already is, don't search for the impossible. Believe in magic if you want to, believe in heaven if you want to. If it helps you to survive and just life, then just believe. Nothing can stop you, only your own heart.

      That's why the heart is the most powerful thing. You can survive everything, except it's judgment. It can be scarred, but will always heal. It can feel like it's gone, but it will always come back. And then it's stronger than before. You can abandon all hope, fear all sort of love, but you will never lose your heart. It makes your judgment, it makes your live.

      No human can abandon the heart, because deep inside there… You will always realize that, no matter what happens, it will always stop. Good things become bad. Bad things become good. The sun will always go down and the moon will always appear. Trust in your heart, and make your own live. Make your own story.

      A story that really matters. It may be full of darkness and danger, but in the end… it will all pass. Because in the end, it is only a passing thing, that shadow.  New day will come, and when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. That are the stories that are made by the hearts of hero's, the hearts of true humans. They can love, hate, feel. And they will never abandon hope. Dream your life and live your dream, because the only thing that matters in the end…

      Is your heart.

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