Fan Hate in Public

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You walked into Cameron's favorite store to buy him some birthday gifts. Some girls spot you and look at you with dirty looks. You ignore them and look at some shirts for Cameron.

"Are you Cameron's girlfriend?" some girls ask. You turn around.

"Yes, are you guys fans of him?" You ask with a smile.

"Yeah, but we are not fans of you being with Cameron." One snaps at you.

"I'm sorry I d----"

"Save it stupid! Why don't you just dump Cameron and we won't post how much of a slut you are on Twitter" another interrupted.

"Aren't you happy that Cameron's happy?" You ask.

"No. But we'll be happy when your out of the picture." A girl says. They push you on the ground and start punching and kicking you.

You get up and push away as they snap pictures of you. You get in your car and drive back home. You walk in the door and kick your shoes off. You walk into the bathroom and look at the red spots on your skin where there would soon be bruises.

The door closes and you here keys hit the table.

"Y/n? You home princess?" Cameron's sweet voice rings through your ears which always made you smile. You walk out of the bathroom, he looks at you and smiles.

"Your so gorgeous." He says. You smile.

"Let's go to sleep." You say.

You'd explain the bruises that would appear tomorrow..


To be continued.

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