He talks about.....

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The bed sunk next to you. A warm hand brushes against your cheek. Soft lips touch your forehead.

"Wake up sweetheart." Cam says softly . He knows how you get grumpy in the morning.

"Do I have to?" You groan, your voice groggy.

"Well no. Only if you want pancakes." He says. You open one of your eyes.

"What do you want?" You ask sitting up. Your flip your hair to one side as Cameron stares at you.

"What?" You pout. "Do I look like a raccoon?" You ask getting up looking in the mirror.

"No," he pauses to chuckle, "Your just so breathtaking without any effort." He says. You smile.

"Now I really need to know what you want. Because the cameron I know would have joked with me." You laugh. You walk over to him and stand in front of him. He grabs your hips while you play with his hair. It's quiet, but not awkward.

"What's goin' on Cam?" You ask.

"I've been think about this.. I never really did till we went to that party for your nieces. ."

"Oh god Cameron! We aren't having kids!" You say.

"Calm down. That's not it." He chuckles.

"Y/f/n y/l/n," he said as he got on one knee. He pulled out a little box.

"Would you do me the honor and...." He pauses smirking.

"Get a puppy with me?"




That flipped you sideways. HUH HA! 😂😂😂😂

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