Chapter One: The Fallen Beginning

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Chapter One: The Fallen Beginning

        Rhys’s POV: This can’t be happening.

“Look, I don’t want to have to explain this again. So I’ll give you a short story. Our parents died. They have no explanation for why. Okay? They’re gone. Never to be seen again. End. Of. Story.”

Of course I felt bad about this. I was completely lying to them.

“Okay, so officer, if you could please leave now, we have everything under control.” I tried to act as if I wasn’t affected by this at all.

“I understand, miss. I’m sorry if I have caused any trouble or trauma.” He tried to sound pleasant.

“Look. If you want any more answers go to airport.” I snapped.

Nice going, Rhys. Now you have to tell them where the airport is, and you don’t even know yourself.

“Alright… And where might that be?”


I tried to act flustered. Even though I was completely composed.

“Oh… Um I don’t know. I’m so sorry.”

Four words. You. Blew. It. Rhys.

“Oh! No thats okay. I’m sure we’ll find it.” He smiled.

It wasn’t a normal smile. It was a worried smile.

What isn’t he telling me? There’s something that he knows…

“Is something the matter, officer?” I tried to pry something out of him, and for a moment I thought it was working, as his lips turned downward for a moment while he smiled.


He definitely knows something.

“No ma’am.” He paused for a moment. “Well I will get out of your hair now. Thank you for your time.”

He turned on his heel.

“No problem.” I smiled.

Good. Fucking. Job. Rhys.

“Cat?” I turned around. “I’m going down to the bar. Care to join me with your fellow new friend?” I smirked.

    Cat’s POV: More friggen FBI agents. How many times would I have to say that I had no idea what had happened. My parents were alive one moment and dead the next.

"Ma'am, were your parents acting weird before they left to go on the trip?" The FBI agent with short golden hair asked. What the hell was that supposed to mean I thought.

"Um, no. I don't think so," I stuttered. The FBI agent with the bright blue eyes stared at me. Did he not believe me?

Holy shit. That blue-eyed man is freaking beautiful.

"Are you sure, it's seems like you have noticed some suspicious things lately," the blue-eyed — Agent Collins stated.

Cat, you can't fall in love with this man. Cat, you are twenty-four years old and he's probably thirty-four.

"Come on Agent Kansas and Agent Collins, we best be going," the tall long-haired agent yelled. He looks like a moose. A freaking moose. Agent Kansas trailed after Agent Moose. Agent Collins stayed behind.

What was he doing?

"Cat? I'm going down to the bar. Care to join me with your fellow new friend?" My cousin, Rhys interrupted. Agent Collins started blushing.

"Why the hell not?" I smiled.

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