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When we got to the station we would interrogate Klaue at, I kept myself out of sight as long as I could. T'Challa said it would be better to keep Ross from realizing I was there if we could so he wouldn't try to take me into custody as well.

Unfortunately, he's not completely incompetent.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I heard. I looked over from my spot in the corner and spotted the shorter man walking over angrily. I sighed.

"Currently trying to deal with a man that inflicted pain on two of the people I care most about," I told him, my voice void of all emotion. "Why? What are you doing here?" He crossed his arms.

"I'm trying to deal with a man that stole valuable vibranium-"

"You make it sound like not all vibranium is valuable."

"-and take a dangerous man into custody." He chuckled. "I guess it's just my luck that another wanted criminal happened to be here." I chuckled darkly.

"There's that word again." He frowned.

"Which one? Criminal?" I rolled my eyes.

"No, luck. Yes, criminal! Just because someone doesn't agree with certain ideas doesn't mean they're a criminal. Do you make it a point to arrest every person that speaks out against the American government on social media?"

"That's different, Stark." I gritted my teeth.

"It's Barnes, and no it's not. It's the exact same principle. We disagreed, so you put out warrants for our arrest. Thanks for that, by the way." He opened his mouth to protest but stopped as T'Challa and Okoye walked over, looking through the one-way mirror as Klaue spoke.

"Hello!" he said. "I can see you! I can, I can see you." I sighed and shook my head as Ross looked up at the three of us.

"So," he said, "this is a big mess, huh? I figured we can go good cop, bad cop. I'll talk to him first, then you guys go in-" Okoye looked at T'Challa.

"Asinakumvumela ukuba athethe noKlaue yedwa," she said. T'Challa looked at Ross, smiling.

"Kungcono ukumvumela athethe noKlaue yedwa imizuzu emihlanu kunokwenza indawo apha." I chuckled at the two of them. "After your questioning, we will take him back to Wakanda with us." The American just stared at him.

"What?" he asked. "No. Look I like you, a lot-" He looked at me. "-except you-" Back up at T'Challa. "-but he's in my custody now. He's not going anywhere. Listen, I 'm doing you a favor by letting you even be in here." He reached out and tapped T'Challa's shoulder, and Okoye stepped forward abruptly, staring angrily.

"Ukuba uyakuchukumisa kwakhona," she said, "ndiza kumbethelela kule tafile." I snorted, and Ross glanced at me, then Okoye, then back at T'Challa.

"Does she speak English?" I grinned.

"When she wants to," I told him. Ross and Okoye eyed each other for a moment, and Ross nodded.

"I'm going in," he said. "And when I'm done, you guys are up." He went to walk away, but T'Challa stopped him.

"Agent Ross," he said. The man stopped and looked back at him.

"Yeah." T'Challa put his hand on Ross's shoulder.

"I do appreciate your help in Busan." The CIA agent looked back at Okoye.

"You see that? It's called diplomacy." He looked up at T'Challa. "You're welcome." Ross walked through the door, closing it behind him, and I smirked when I saw the audio bug on the back of his neck.

"Okoye!" T'Challa scolded. "Play nice." She shook her head.

"Eh, Americans."

"You know," Klaue said to Ross when he finished singing obnoxiously, "you really shouldn't trust the Wakandans. I'm much more your speed."

"I don't trust anybody, not in this job. But what I am interested in is that arm cannon out there. Where'd you get that?"

"It's an old mining tool that I made some adjustments to. But I can get you one if you'd like."

"Why don't you give me the name of your supplier and I'll ask them."

"He's right outside, why don't you ask him yourself?" I frowned.

"T'Challa? You're telling me that weapon on your arm is from Wakanda?"

"Bingo. What do you actually know about Wakanda?"

"Shepherds. Textiles. Cool outfits."

"It's all a front. Explorers searched for it for centuries. El Dorado: The Golden City. They thought they could find it in South America, but it was in Africa the whole time. A technological marvel. All because it was built on a mound of the most valuable metal known to man. Isipho, they call it . The gift. Vibranium."

"Vibranium, yeah. Strongest metal on Earth."

"It's not just a metal. They sew it into their clothes. It powers their city, their tech...their weapons."


"Oh yes. Makes my arm cannon look like a leaf blower."

"That's a nice fairy tale but Wakanda is a third world country and you stole all their vibranium." Klaue laughed.

"I stole-" He slammed his fist onto the arm of his chair. "-all of it?! I took a tiny piece of it. They have a mountain full of it. They've been mining it for thousands of years and still haven't scratched the surface. I'm the only outsider who's seen it, and got out of there alive. If you don't believe me you ask your friends what their suits are made of. What the king's claws are made of." Ross looked back at the two way glass, then headed towards the door. We looked over as he walked out of the room and over to us.

"Your father told the UN that Klaue stole all the vibranium you had," he said. "But now he's telling me you have more?" T'Challa frowned.

"And you believe the word of an arms dealer strapped to a chair." Ross hesitated but didn't bite.

"How much more are you hiding?" T'Challa didn't have a chance to answer before Nakia slammed through the door. CIA agents drew their weapons, but she wasn't fazed.

"Something's happening out back," she said. No one could say anything before an explosion went off in the interrogation room. We prepared to run inside, but someone stepped through the wall and started firing. I dropped to the floor, my heart pounding at the sound of gunshots. I watched T'Challa's suit form around him as he shielded a CIA Agent. A man in a mask threw a grenade through the shattered two-way window into the office, and T'Challa immediately dove on top of it. It exploded, doing no damage to him or the room, but his entire suit glowed purple.

I tapped my bracelet and followed T'Challa as he ran out of the room after them. The man in the mask aimed a gun at the two of us, and T'Challa took the rocket head on, being engulfed in the impact and blown backwards. I ran behind him and stopped him from flying back farther as he watched the man drive away.

"Kumkani!" We looked back as Okoye ran up. "Kumkani, Nakia."


Asinakumvumela ukuba athethe no Klaue yedwa. - We can't let him talk to Klaue alone.

Kungcono ukumvumela athethe no Klaue yedwa imizuzu emihlanu kunokwenza indawo apha. - Better to let him talk to Klaue alone for five minutes than to make a scene here.

Ukuba uyakuchukumisa kwakhona, ndiza kumbethelela kule tafile. - If he touches you again, I am going to impale him on that desk.

Kumkani - My king

Hi, guys, I'm back!

Yeah, I know I was missing for a week. I was at a camp with no wifi available to campers, but I don't really regret it cause I did have a lot of fun (I have a friend I'm gonna cosplay with, i'm wilbur and ranboo and she's tommy) but I'm back now

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