He's With Us

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Me: Been trying to find stories like this. Angel Grove reacting to the Green Ranger joining the Rangers.

Got disappointed when I found none.

So, I made my own.


The Power Rangers were their protectors. They protected them from Rita and her band of evil monsters. They saved people who were captured, destroyed the monsters, and saved the day. Without them, the people of Angel Grove knew that they would not have lasted the day when Rita first attacked.

The Yellow Ranger, who was so kind. She told the kids never to start a fight and to be fair. The Ranger said protecting the environment was just as important as protecting people. She told them to have the honor and helping the environment would help them in the future.

The Blue Ranger, who was so intelligent. He told others to not hide their brains under brawn, for their intelligence is their greatest gift. Saying that without thinking smart, the Rangers would have lost. That being smart was something to be proud of, not unshamed.

The Black Ranger, who was so fun-going. Showing that was he pranked his fellow rangers after a battle with a hose, getting them wet, and then proceeded to start a water fight. Daying that forgetting how to laugh is forgetting how to live.

The Pink Ranger, who was sassy. She showed that even as a girl who liked clothes and hair, that she could be tough and be one of the toughest ladies during a battle. That people should not be defined for what they are, rather who they are.

The Red Ranger, who was strong-willed. He led the Rangers to their victories and through their battles. He spoke about protecting those who needed it and about doing what is right. That power should not be abused, but respected and used right.

They loved their Power Rangers.

With their Zords, their weapons, and their powers, they showed time and time again their strength to protect Angel Grove. They always knew how to win their battles, and if they didn't, they found a way.

Until they didn't.

Rita had somehow got her own Ranger and he was not like their protectors.

The Green Ranger was cold and mean. He showed no mercy as he fought the Power Rangers. Every time they got back up, he struck them down. His laugh was filled with evil promises. He tore them down and left them defeated, forcing the Power Rangers to run away to regroup or hold on until the Green Ranger left. His power stronger than theirs.

The Power Ranger's first real defeat.

The people of Angel Grove hated the Green Ranger.

For an entire week, they watched as the Power Ranger bravely fought their enemies and when he appeared, the Green Ranger. When Goldar, Scorpina, and the Green Ranger attacked the Megazord during the eclipse., their hearts stopped when they saw the Power Rangers fall, as the Megazord fell apart and as their Zords fell into a fiery chasm that shut.

The Green Rangers dark and cold, "It's over," before vanishing.

Yes, they hated the Green Ranger.

When the Green Ranger appeared near Angel Grove Bay, sending the people there in a panic to hide and run away, they knew nothing good could happen.

The Green Ranger went to the top of a building and started playing a strange tune from his Dagger. Thins went from bad to worse as something came out of the water. It was another Zord, but it was clearly the Green Rangers. It destroyed what was in his way as the Green Ranger didn't care about damage.

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