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Y/N sighed as she bit back her lip to fight back her tears.

Taehyun had been rushed to the hospital yet again for a heart attack. Though heart attacks were completely rare at his age.

Y/N ran a hand through her H/C hair as some of the salty warm tears fell down her cheeks.

'Oh Tae I wish you would become better...'

"Are you by chance family of Kang Taehyun?"a nurse suddenly appeared from around the corner.

Y/N perked her head up and wiped away her tears. "N-no I'm not...I'm just his girlfriend."

"Oh well would you mind coming with new for a moment? The doctor would like to update you on Taehyun's condition."

Y/N nodded her head as she sniffled. She got up from her chair and followed the nurse into a separate room.

"Wait here I'll get the doctor,"the nurse left the room.

About 10 minutes later, the doctor walked in.

"Hello you must be Taehyun's girlfriend. I'm Dr. Lee,"he said while taking a seat in one of the chairs.

"Hello doctor I'm Y/N,"she shook his hand.

"I think it would be best just to cut to the point. Taehyun has a very weak heart right now and can't take anymore of these surprise heart attacks."

Y/N nodded her head sadly as she listened. "What else can we do for him?"

The doctor sighed and took off his glasses. "The only thing that can save him now is a heart transplant. If not, I'm afraid he won't have much time."

Y/N didn't like the sound of Taehyun dying. She thought over what the doctor said and then smiled.


A few days later:

Taehyun slowly opened his eyes and peeked into his hospital room. The sound of the heart monitor beating softly beside him.

A nurse came into the room and smiled at him. "I'm glad you're awake, the doctor will see you soon."

A few minutes later, Dr. Lee came in and sat down beside Taehyun.

"How are you feeling Taehyun?"

"I guess I'm feeling alright...doctor May I ask what happened while I was out?"

The doctor gave him a slightly sympathetic look before handing him a letter and leaving the room.

Taehyun now confused, opened the letter and began to read it.

To my dearest Taehyun:
Hello love it's me. You're probably reading this and are confused. But that's okay! I'll tell you everything...I met with your doctor and he told me you wouldn't have much longer to live with the heart you have. So, I'm giving you mine. I hope you aren't sad. I'm okay with giving up my life for yours. I love you so much and I'll always be with you! Goodbye my love...I'll always live on...inside you

Tear droplets fell onto the paper as he clutched his chest where his heart is. He let out his soft sobs and small thank yous.

And ever since that day, Taehyun always remembered and thanked the girl that gave him her heart...

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Man I teared up a bit writing this! Sorry for taking so long to update!

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