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Trying something new, hope you guys like this!

Y/N L/N made her way into her 3rd period class as she sighed before taking her seat.

It had been a little over a year since she transferred to this school. Her father thought it best to keep her safe.

Her father Dr. L/N was a renowned scientist that worked for a top secret government agency. However, the agency turned rouge and he was forced to flee with his daughter.

He passed on his skills as a scientist and engineer to his daughter, which unfortunately came with a few risks.

About a year ago, the agency learned of a secret project that Dr. L/N had been developing while under the agency. A new technology was developed to weaponize humans and force them under bad control. However, Dr. L/N saw how dangerous this could be and scrapped the program. He and his daughter are the only ones who have any recollection of the program.

But fortunately, the L/N's were able to move to an undisclosed location and were safe from harm.

Y/N flourished at her new school. She joined the school's academic chemistry team and robotics team due to her knowledge in both fields.

She made many friends including a boy named Hueningkai, Kai for short. He wasn't exactly as smart as her but after being forced to be her chemistry partner, he figured being friends with a genius wouldn't be so bad.

Y/N looked around as her advanced chemistry teacher, Ms. Jang walked in.

"Alright class let's start off with a quick pop quiz."

The class groaned as Y/N gave a small smile.

"Oh shush this is material we've already covered. If you were paying attention this should be easy."

Y/N straightened up as Ms. Jang cleared her throat.

"Can anyone explain why solutions of HBr in benzene are nonconductive while solutions of water are conducive?"

Y/N shot up her hand as Ms. Jang smiled. "Yes Ms. Y/N."

"HBr is an acid and the molecules react with the water molecules to form H3O and Br− that provide conductivity to the solution."

"That is correct, as expected from you Ms. L/N."

Y/N smiled as her fellow classmates gave her a few thumbs ups and 'nice ones'.

Ms. Jang went back and began to write out a complicated chemistry equation for the students to answer.

About an hour later:

Finally, Y/N was done with chemistry and could meet her friend Kai for lunch in the courtyard.

"Hey Y/N!" The 183cm man waved at her.

Y/N waved back and joined him under the umbrella shaded table.

"Hi Kai what's new?"

"Nothing much, the only thing new is my squirrel plushie I'm adding to my collection." He said pulling out a small stuffed squirrel.

Y/N laughed and pulled out her plastic wrapped sandwich. "Another one? Kai I'm beginning to think you have an addiction."

Kai stuffed his squirrel back into his backpack. "Me an addiction? My plushie collection is to help give the poor plushies of the world a much needed home."

Y/N giggled as she nudged him with her elbow. "Just teasing."

Kai pouted at his friend before digging into his backpack again to fetch his homework.

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