Chapter Uno

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kenny on the top



   Im currently in my brightly colored blue room , trying to finish painting my right hand with black nail polish.

..... black nail polish is my favorite. I personaly think its look great on all girls. And you have to try it atleast once in your life.  

Once ive finally finished. My Mother calls me to her room.

What would you like ma." I say walking into her oldy reay cozy room once again. "Hey i need you to go downstairs and get me my purse".  "Okay" i say. "Do you need lunch money for tomorrow"?  "Yupp" i said popping the p.

I was in a cheerful mood for some very whatever reason. Noting that i was only upset a couple seconds ago because my hand look like a childs coloring book...... well not that bad but you get what i mean.

After i hand my moms bag to her, i head back to my room passing londons room (my little brother, he 's eight) and see him lying on the bed with his head towards the wall on his phone so I take my chance at walking into his room , mainly because it smells of raw ass (excuse my profanity) and socks and slap him on the butt making sure not to mess up my nails........more

"Owwww! Kenn Get Out! why you do that? Get out of my room. "

"Ok ok calm down your being a baby, just showing some love is all and you need some kind of air freshener in here im about to die." I tell him with the most honest look i can conjur up.

"Whatever get out he tells me".

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