Chapter Dos

47 0 0

Kaysey on the top


My alarm is going off at 5:00 in the morning because keysey comes  at 6:25 and I take forever to get ready. 

Turing my alarm off and slowly rolling onto the floor. I start my day by putting on my outfit already that i had layed out on the chair in my room ,Then brush my teeth and do something with my curls.

My phone buzzes and kaysey pops up on my screen. So i press the answer call button

" Heyy wyd beautiful.  I bet you look pretty today ."
" What do you want kaysey?"
"Can i borrow your yellow shirt today?" 
"Yeah sure are you almost here?"
"Really?" I say knowing that she probably hasnt left out the door.
"No i haven't gotten in the car yet but im on my way."
"Okay ill be ready."

She is always speeding

She pulls up and I jump in the car.
Her car isn't the most appealing car but it gets us from A to B.

We pull up to Quinn's and she strolls out the house looking flawless as ever. She's a model. Not very well known yet  but she is trying to get there and me and kaysey in courage her.

"Hey baby doll" i say to her.
"heyy! Kennyi missed you soo much. Why did you leave us for the rest off the summer?"
"I missed you too Quinn, and because you know i had to go spend some time with my dad in Wisconsin."
"Oh yeah how was it, did you run into Mikell?"
"No, i didn't actually it was pretty fun I missed my dad."

Mikell is my ex... yeah. I spent two summers at my father's house and we started dating my dad liked him so everything was peachy untill i found out he had two other girlfriends at his school.

He was the best first boyfriend ever. He did everything a good boyfriend would do. But he just had to fuck it up. It's whatever I'm over it now

We stop buy Walgreens and get our snacks for today.  Kaysey gets a peach tea with mixed fruits. Quinn gets a coke with a big ass bag of chips, and i get my mango arizonia, mixed fruits and m&m's...

We jump back in the car and he's to the building that holds all the different kind of teenagers,  I dont feel like telling you all of them, you most likely already know.

Kaysey parks and we all get out. We are not famous or anything at our school nobody stares at us as we walk glamorously towards the building. We are just like everyone else, but you know Awsomer.
That's a word in my head., just leave it.

We walk in and then walk out seperate ways because the wonderful principle here decided we shouldn't have first period together
Or second
Or third
But we have lunch and fourth period together. 

I call my mom to tell her I'm at school. I don't want her worrying.

Authors note: i hope you guys like it
If you don't i give no fucks.

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