Chapter Tres

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Quinn on the top

Tonight my family has to go to a dinner to celebrate my grandparents aniversy.
Im so happy for them, I only hope I will be able to have a marriage like theirs one day.

While in my math class, Thinking about my grandparents and their funny marriage. There is this hand waving in front of my face so I turn to see the owner and here is the one and only shawn russle.

Kennnnnnyyyyyy " he says while still waving his hands like a crazy person. Shawn is more of kaysey's friend then mine but he is still a friend.

"What is it shawn you see me trying to listen to the teacher".
"Really? Then what did he just say".
"He said something about a test".
" No he said finish the rest for homework ".
He says making sure the rest was clearly head
"Oh well i was just thinking about where my family is going th is afternoon".
"That new restaurant downtown. My mom is friends with the owner and its my Grandparents aniversy".
"Oh good for them, now pay attention next time , Im not letting you cheat on the so call test we have".
"We have a test??"
I say as the bell rings

My next two periods go bye fast and I finshed most of my work today.! Pat on the back for Kenny

I meet kaysey at the steps where shawn always seems to pop out of no where but its whatever.

We head to lunch but before we reach the cafeteria I get pulled into the gym my kaysey.

Kaysey what are you doing stop pulling my arm like that its gonna detach. I say while trying to retrieve  my flimsy arm from my best friend.

"We're  going to see my brother".
"He has to text his boo back". She winks at me
"Where is his phone?"
"He dropped it".
"Can i see the guy". Yeah her brother is gay.
She shows me his picture and i am not disappointed.

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