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Name: Kyle

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Name: Kyle

Age: 25

Appearance: Black hair, brown eyes, looks more like how a man of england.


Joins the church so order of any kingdom will be built into a good prosperity.

He's zealous because he believes he wanted to bring order to the people.

He is kind

He is smart

He listens to his friends or allies

Kyle is good with letting the monarchy in charge.

He has to fight those who are from a different faith or race.

He shows mercy to anyone.

Weapons: Sword and shield

Weapons: Sword and shield

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Name: Friedrich

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Appearance: Looks like a german man

Leader of the faith

Later the Lord of Fódlan order

He is a zealous man who purge anyone if they disobey the Heaven.

He takes it seriously to the people.

From Nohr

Name: Nathan

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Name: Nathan

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Appearance: Looks like a French man

Weapons: Sword and shield

Leader of the angels of light

Basically a zealous and cynical man

He defends the people who believes in their faith against the people while regretting himself knowing there will be bloodshed.

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