TntDuo || Fluff 🍄

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"WHAT THE FUCK QUACKITY!?" Sapnap yelled, anger filling his voice. "I'm- i'm so sorry!" Quackity cried. Sapnap and Karl stood staring at him. "Get the hell out." Karl snapped


Quackity woke up, flash backs. Again. The bright lights of Las Nevadas had been bright. The dark hair male looked over at the time, 5:30 am. Pissed off by the stupid dream, he got up.

He walked into his cold bathroom flipping a light on, he glared at himself in the mirror for a good minute. You fucked up. He told himself.

Yeah, the man had done some bad things but he was blamed for something he didn't do, his now ex fiancé's moved away and started a new country without him. George Karl and Sapnap left him behind. He hated them for it. But he couldn't help but miss them. His fiancé's, his best friends.

Tears pricked at his eyes. Guilt and sorrow taking over. He fell to the floor his knees up to his head, the short male started sobbing, it really hurt him. He moved on. Or so he thought.

He didn't see much of a point do anything. Though he needed to keep his country stable.

He got to his feet wiping his tears away, he was better than this. What had gotten into him? He was president of a country and needed to get off his ass.

He put his beanie and clothing on exiting his house. "Hey man, uh whatever his name is stopped by looking for you." Charlie said. "Huh?" Quackity replied confused on who he meant.

"Wilbur? The one with a white streak in his hair." Charlie replied. Quackity became a bit pissed, though he ignored it. "Is he still here?" Quackity asked. "Mhm at his little thing across the river," The one with glasses said.

Quackity nodded making his way over.

"Wilbur?.." Quackity asked looking around for the tall male. "Quackity! I'm so glad to see you!" Wilbur said greeting him.

"Uh yeah, what do you need." Quackity said unamused. "I was wondering if we could talk." Wilbur said adjusting his coat. The raven hair debated it at first. "I suppose." He replied.

"Great! Lets walk around, yeah?" Wilbur suggested. Quackity nodded, they walked back to Las Nevadas. "So what do you need." He murmured.

"Right, uh. I visited Kinoko Kingdom." Wilbur started. Quackitys face turned into a frown. "God, Wilbur i don't know if i wanna hear it." Quackity said holding back his anger and sadness.

Wilbur noticed this, "Ah, alright i won't mention that. But that's not all i wanted to talk to you about."

"Go on." Quackity said. "It's hazy but i still remember what happened with you and Schlatt. I know almost everyone forgot since he's dead, but i just wanna tell you nothing was your fault, i heard what happened with you Karl and Sapnap. And you know what? They're all a bunch of assholes to believe such bull shit" He said.

Quackitys eyes widened a bit, thankful that Wilbur didn't hate him. Surprised he was being.. kind to say the least. "Oh, thank you.." The raven mumbled

"Of course." The brunette started. "Though, i really would like you to know something Quackity."

"Yes?" The shorter male replied looking up at him hearing the change in his tone. They took a seat on a bench in the middle of Las Nevadas. Wilbur cleared his throat.

"Look, i hate myself for this but.. Quackity i really like you. I honestly always felt bad for you. Maybe it was pity maybe not, ever since I came back.. it just really stabbed me in the heart. I'm aware we aren't on the best terms but i'd like you to know your past wasnt your fault and i forgive you for anything you think you did wrong."

Quackity was surprised not sure on how to reply. He was left speechless. Not sure what to do or what to say.

"How mad would you be if i kissed you right now." Quackity said. Wilburs eyes widened. "Not- Not at all." He said. And that's exactly what Quackity did.

He pulled Wilbur by the collar of his shirt kissing him softly, his lips a bit chapped though he didn't mind. Quackitys head was spinning.

Wilbur pulled away. "I'm so glad you told me this Wilbur." Quackity sighed. "I dont really know my feelings right now.. but i do know i really like you too. But i can't go any farther by saying that," He mumbled

"That's okay, i'm glad i told you too. Now let's go do something yeah?" Wilbur suggested and Quackity nodded, the taller male offered his hand and the other gladly took it.

They ended up going back to Quackitys house. Cuddling on his bed watching some movie. Both happy for once in awhile.

"Thank you Wilbur,"

Wilbur kissed his head. "No, thank you Quackity."

i might write a part 2 - 🍄

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