The Witch-King of Angmar

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"Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatuluk

Agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.

Thus I heard those foul words, and thus I knew that I had been betrayed, I, Celebrimbor, Lord of Eregion, maker of the rings of magic. And when I told my fair elves, my helpers in ring-making, they trembled with fear of Sauron, his wrath, and his golden ring."

Bilbo Baggins rose up from his leather book, and smiled at his young nephews. "No!! Go on uncle!", screamed Frodo. Merry and Pippin jerked their heads in agreement, their mouths stuffed with cookies.

"Very well, I might as well. Yes Merry?"

"Umm... what do those words mean, you know, Ash nazg dar-bie-too-luck or something of the sort?"

"First of all, it's durbatuluk, and those words mean,

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to

Bring them all and in the Darkness bind them.

But do not worry, I'll continue! This time, however, I will continue from another book."

"King Adrahil has fought with his brother Numendil! They were the best of friends, but Numendil was celebrating the birth of his great-grandson Isildur, and King Adrahil burst in and cruelly began to scorn the child. The entire kingdom is surprised, I, however, am not. Ever since that messenger from Sauron came, bringing a "magical, powerful ring, to make you the king of all", the King Adrahil has been acting strange. This, however, is the final straw. And the King is leaving tomorrow to go to Sauron! The poor queen is frightened now, and I and all my fellow servants are quite sorry for her.:

"So," said Bilbo, looking up into the wide eyes of his nephews, "we will now leave that servant and go to something that the queen wrote."

"The King is leaving. I cannot believe it. He has changed. 2 months ago he was a sweet, kind man. Now he is joining allegiance with Sauron, who the whole world knows is evil. And I dreamed a dream. It was 1000 years later, and I saw a boy in the great place called Rivendell. I think his name was Aragorn, and he was chasing a young girl, a girl who looked very much like Elrond, the lord of Rivendell. Then I dreamed another dream. There was a hafling, and a young woman, with blond hair, and they destroyed a horrible spirit like person, a phantom that was not alive, but was. And-- I can hardly believe it-- but I think that that phantom was my once dear, sweet, noble husband. And I'm scared. And tomorrow he leaves, he leaves and he forgets me, his wife Lothiriel, and his baby son."

Bilbo smiled at his nephews. His darling nephews stared back at him, all huddled in a tight circle of protection from the mysterious world outside. "The next part I learned from a friend of mine, Elrond. Adrahil left, and he joined Sauron. And the Queen Lothiriel never saw him again. However, she heard of him. His evil reputation spread, and soon the whole of Middle Earth feared him. He became known as the Witch King of Angmar. Don't worry, Pippin, I know you want to run off. I'm almost done."

"The Witch King of Angmar has struck again. What happened to this peaceful world, now a place of frightened people, crying children, nervous lords. The Witch King of Angmar led his fellow ghosts, his 'Nazgul', others that took eagerly Sauron's bait and became phantoms of magic rings. The Witch King of Angmar led them and they pillaged village after village, destroyed city after city, and broke apart kingdom after kingdom."

"Celebrimbor wrote that! The person that was the Lord of Eregion, and maker of magic rings, if you remember. Well, that wraps it up. Frodo, bedtime for you! Merry, Pippin, if I think correctly, it is high time you returned home. What! You're too scared to walk home tonight. Well, I guess you can sleep here on the floor in front of the fireplace where no bad things come. . . Pippin!"

"Yes, Uncle Bilbo?"

"Leave the cookies! I want a chew myself after talking myself hoarse to the trio of you."

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