I'm walking along the path, headed toward Woody's place, seriously hoping that he hasn't reverted back to his previously crabby self, when I begin to notice something new.
Sure, there's some leaves on the trees that weren't there previously, and the gray brush is interspersed with some actual grass that I know wasn't there before; but what really has my attention is the fact that I am not encountering heads poking out from behind objects but actual greetings from them as I pass by. Some have even come out, welcoming me to their homes. So many with different accents, some languages that I can't comprehend, but each of them unique in their appearance. Some are what I would consider cute, others maybe not so much but they are all so incredibly friendly. I've received handshakes and some hugs, and I almost feel like a mini celebrity as I make my way down the path.
"Hello! I have something for you!" I hear a woman call out, causing me to pause and look around before I see a short, squat creature with wide eyes, a shock of white frizz on top of her head, a large smiling mouth and tiny nose. She's holding a large piece of tan fabric out to me as she walks.
"For you," she repeats, holding the bundle up toward me.
"For me?" I repeat, eyeing up the offering in confusion.
"Size six, am I right?" she asks in a soft voice that has an almost southern lilt to it.
"Here," she raises it up even more, causing me to reach for it. It's soft, this fabric that I'm touching, and the tan is interspersed with a dark brown that follows a distinct pattern. I straighten up, holding the piece in front of me and it's a dress. A well-sewn garment that causes a small gasp to escape me. The workmanship is beautiful and my eyes flit down to her. She is dressed in an equally impressive frock in a similar shade.
"You made this?" I ask in wonder as my arms switch position so I can view it from all sides. It's simple in design, but there are tiny pleats where the bodice meets the skirt and a small patch of embroidery near the scooped neckline and gathered cap sleeves; little details that I know had to take a huge amount of patience and skill.
"It's beautiful." I draw out in awe as I continue to view it from different angles. It should fit perfectly, I determine.
She is beaming at me and I crouch down to kneeling in front of her.
"Thank you so much," I whisper as I feel a few tears of gratitude collect in my eyes.
"Thank you," she insists before wrapping her arms around my shoulders and giving me a quick squeeze before pulling away.
"For what?" I question in confusion.
"For all of this," she answers, indicating her surrounding area with a sweep of her small arm.
"I don't...yeah, I don't think I -" I start to deny her assertion, but a booming male voice interrupts me.
My eyes flit around to finally land on a very wrinkled, very familiar form. Raisin man is running toward me holding something in his hands.
"Hello again!" I greet him, and my eyes widen at what he is carrying.
"For you," he says breathlessly, holding out a pair of what looks to be a pair of shoes or maybe slippers from the simple shape of them.
"Not my best work, but -" he starts.
"Ugh! I said brown, not black!" the woman scoffs as she shakes her head at him.
"Quiet," he mutters under his breath as he lifts and settles them on top of the bundle in my arms.

RomanceBeauty and the Beast meets the Labyrinth in the story of a woman lost and a man who couldn't care less. I made a slight mistake. And by slight, I mean an uncharacteristic lapse in judgement has landed me in a place that my rational mind cannot expl...